学术论坛报告:Prof. Sheng Shen——Nanostructured Materials and Nanoscale Effects for Advanced Heat Transfer


本期学术论坛由CarnegieMellon UniversityProf.Sheng Shen主讲

题目:Nanostructured Materials and Nanoscale Effects for Advanced HeatTransfer

报告人:Prof.Sheng Shen

时间: 201864日,上午10:00




Inthis talk, I will give three examples about utilizing nanostructured materialsand nanoscale effects to develop advanced thermal transport technologies.First, I will discuss novel thermal interface materials (TIMs) for electronicscooling, based on compliant and thermally conductive nanostructures. Incontrast to conventional TIMs such as solders and epoxies, large-scale orderednanostructures, e.g., metal nanowires, can increase mechanical compliance ofTIMs but maintain high thermal conductivity, thus enhancing the performance andreliability of TIMs. Second,Iwill report a new fabrication method that can consistently produce polyethylene(PE) nanofibers with diameters ranging from 10 to 100 nm. We demonstrate uniquephonon transport in the nanofibers by measuring their thermal conductivity in abroad temperature range from 20 to 320 K. Strength measurements show ultra-hightensile strength, 11.4 ± 1.1 GPa, for our crystalline PE nanofibers. To thebest of our knowledge, this is the highest strength measured for any polymerbased fibers, such as aramid fibers (Kevlar), carbon fibers and compositefibers. Finally, I will experimentally demonstrate that near-field thermalradiation can exceedPlanck’sblackbody radiation by three orders of magnitude at nanoscale gaps. I will alsoshow broad near-field thermal radiation control by metals, semiconductors andmetamaterials.



Sheng Shen is currently AssociateProfessor at the Mechanical Engineering Department of Carnegie MellonUniversity (CMU). He received his PhD degree from the Mechanical EngineeringDepartment, MIT, with Prof. Gang Chen in 2010. He had his bachelor and masterdegree from the Power Engineering Department, Huazhong University of Scienceand Technology, China, in 2000 and 2003, respectively. Prior to joining CMU in2011, he conducted his postdoctoral research with Professor Xiang Zhang atUC-Berkeley. His research interests include nanoscale heat transfer and energyconversion, nanophotonics, and their applications in solar or thermal energyconversion, thermal management, and multifunctional materials. Professor Shenis a recipient of NSF CAREER Award, DARPA Director's Fellowship, DARPA Young FacultyAward, and Elsevier/JQSRT Raymond Viskanta Award for Spectroscopy and RadiativeTransfer. He also received the CMU Dean's Early Career Fellowship, thePhilomathia Foundation Research Fellowship in Alternative Energy Research fromUC-Berkeley, a Hewlett-Packard Best Paper Award from ASME Heat TransferDivision, and a Best Paper Award in Julius Springer Forum on Applied Physics.

