学术论坛报告:Prof. Zhaojian Li-Cloud-Enabled Automotive Decision-Making Systems


学术论坛通知:本期学术论坛由Michigan State UniversityProf. Zhaojian Li主讲


题目:Cloud-Enabled AutomotiveDecision-Making Systems

报告人:Prof. Zhaojian Li

时间: 20181221日,15:00-16:00




Interest in employing cloud computing for automotive applications isgrowing to support computation and data intensive tasks. The cloud can provideaccess to “big data as well as real-time crowd-sourced information. Smartutilization of on-demand cloud resources can increase situation awareness andprovide additional functionalities.

In this talk, I will first present the Vehicle-to-Cloud-to-Vehicle frameworkand discuss its opportunities and challenges. The focus of the talk will be theexploitation of automotive vehicles to crowd-source road information forcollaborative comfort. In this research, we developed an optimal stateestimator for systems driven by jump-diffusion process. The developedestimator, together with an input observer, was used to estimate road profileand detect road anomalies such as potholes and speed bumps. I will also presentan evolving clustering algorithm that is used to process the anomaly reports. Recentwork on model-based safe reinforcement learning will also be discussed.



Dr. Zhaojian Li is an Assistant Professor in theDepartment of Mechanical Engineering at Michigan State University. He obtainedM.S. (2013) and Ph.D. (2015) in Aerospace Engineering (flight dynamics andcontrol) at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. As an undergraduate, Dr. Listudied at Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Department ofCivil Aviation, in China. Dr. Li worked as an algorithm engineer at GeneralMotors from January 2016 to July 2017. His research interests include Learning-basedControl, Nonlinear and Complex Systems, and Robotics and Automated Vehicles. Dr.Li was a recipient of the National Scholarship from China.

