2009年度国家杰出青年科学基金获得者,教育部长江学者奖励计划特聘教授,入选江苏省“333高层次人才培养工程”第一层次。研究领域涵盖摩擦学、微纳制造、增材制造、机械动力学、人工智能以及它们在先进设备和系统工程中的实际应用,包括高速列车、DNA 和蛋白质测序设备以及能源转换和利用设备。陈云飞开创了直接观察摩擦激励声子的方法,创建了基于声子的摩擦耗能理论,实现了对摩擦力、摩擦诱导振动和噪声的准确预测。做为首席科学家或项目负责人承担了增材制造、芯片热设计和高端装备系统研发的多项国家重点研发计划、自然基金重点等项目。系列研究成果发表在Nature,Science, Nature Communication, PRL, PNAS, JACS等期刊,被国际同行他引8000多次,作为第一完成人获得国家自然科学二等奖1项,教育部自然科学一等奖1项。
Google scholar:
2003年1月-迄今,必威betway中文官网,必威西汉姆联官网,教授 |
2007年7月-2007年12月,美国加州大学,圣巴巴拉分校,访问学者 |
2002年10月-2002年11月,瑞士苏黎世高工(ETH),访问学者 |
2001年01月-2002年03月,美国加州大学伯克利分校,机械系,Arun Majumdar实验室,Postdoctoral Research |
2000年09月-2001年01月,美国加州大学伯克利分校,机械系,田长霖实验室,Postdoctoral Research |
1998年-2002年,必威betway中文官网,机械工程系,副教授 |
1995年-1998年,必威betway中文官网,机械工程系,讲师 |
Nano Letters;
Nature Nanotechnology;
Nature Water;
Nature Communications.
1、国家自然科学二等奖,摩擦界面的声子传递理论与能量耗散模型,2018年 |
2、教育部自然科学一等奖,能量在多层膜界面耗散与输运机理,2015年 |
3、江苏省科技进步一等奖,微纳医疗器件设计理论与制造,2008年 |
4、教育部三等奖,机械设计CAI,1998年 |
1.Zhao, W., et al., The Thinnest Light Disk: Rewritable Data Storage and Encryption on WS2 Monolayers. Advanced Functional Materials, 2021.
2.Zhang, X., et al., A general strategy for designing two-dimensional high-efficiency layered thermoelectric materials. Energy & Environmental Science, 2021. 14(7): p. 4059-4066.
3.Yang, L., et al., Observation of superdiffusive phonon transport in aligned atomic chains. Nature Nanotechnology, 2021. 16(7): p. 764-+.
4.Tao, Y., et al., Non-monotonic boundary resistivity for electron transport in metal nanowires. Applied Physics Letters, 2021. 118(15).
5.Qi, H., et al., Synergic Effects of the Nanopore Size and Surface Charge on the Ion Selectivity of Graphene Membranes. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2021. 125(1): p. 507-514.
6.Lyu, Z., et al., Design and Manufacture of 3D-Printed Batteries. Joule, 2021. 5(1): p. 89-114.
7.Duan, Z., et al., Resonance in Atomic-Scale Sliding Friction. Nano Letters, 2021. 21(11): p. 4615-4621.
8.Zheng, F., et al., Ion Concentration Effect on Nanoscale Electrospray Modes. Small, 2020. 16(24).
9.Zhao, Y., et al., Experimental measurement of thermal conductivity along different crystallographic planes in graphite. Journal of Applied Physics, 2020. 128(4).
10.Zhang, Y., et al., Electroosmotic Facilitated Protein Capture and Transport through Solid-State Nanopores with Diameter Larger than Length. Small Methods, 2020. 4(11).
11.Zhang, X.W., et al., High ZT 2D Thermoelectrics by Design: Strong Interlayer Vibration and Complete Band-Extrema Alignment. Advanced Functional Materials, 2020. 30(22).
12.Wu, C., et al., Anomalous layer thickness dependent thermal conductivity of Td-WTe2 through first-principles calculation. Physics Letters A, 2020. 384(30).
13.Wei, Z.Y., et al., Significant enhancement of thermal boundary conductance in graphite/Al interface by ion intercalation. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020. 157.
14.Wei, Z.Y., et al., Phonon energy dissipation in friction between graphene/graphene interface. Journal of Applied Physics, 2020. 127(1).
15.Tao, Y., et al., The enhancement of heat conduction across the metal/graphite interface treated with a focused ion beam. Nanoscale, 2020. 12(27): p. 14838-14846.
16.Tao, Y., et al., Theory of aerodynamic heating from molecular collision analysis. Physics Letters A, 2020. 384(4).
17.Tan, X. and J. Luo, Research Advances of Lubrication. China Mechanical Engineering, 2020. 31(2): p. 145.
18.Si, W., et al., Detergent-Assisted Braking of Peptide Translocation through a Single-Layer Molybdenum Disulfide Nanopore. Small Methods, 2020. 4(11).
19.Si, W., et al., Shape characterization and discrimination of single nanoparticles using solid-state nanopores. Analyst, 2020. 145(5): p. 1657-1666.
20.Mo, J.W., et al., Fluid release pressure for micro-/nanoscale rectangular channels. Journal of Applied Physics, 2020. 127(11).
21.Luo, J., Investigation on the origin of friction and superlubricity. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2020. 65(27): p. 2967-2978.
22.Lin, K.B., et al., Charge Inversion and Calcium Gating in Mixtures of Ions in Nanopores. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2020. 142(6): p. 2925-2934.
23.Li, Z.W., et al., Strong Differential Monovalent Anion Selectivity in Narrow Diameter Carbon Nanotube Porins. Acs Nano, 2020. 14(5): p. 6269-6275.
24.Li, Y.H., et al., Water-ion permselectivity of narrow-diameter carbon nanotubes. Science Advances, 2020. 6(38).
25.Kan, Y.J., et al., Diminishing Cohesion of Chitosan Films in Acidic Solution by Multivalent Metal Cations. Langmuir, 2020. 36(18): p. 4964-4974.
项目名称 | 项目类别 | 项目时间 | 工作类别 | 项目金额 |
微纳传感与控制 | 国家杰出青年科学基金 | 2009-2013 | 200 | |
纳通道内生物分子电信号超灵敏检测方法与原理 | 国家重大基础研究计划(973) | 2011-2015 | 810 | |
基于多模式信号检测的超灵敏传感器的基础理论与关键技术 | 国家自然科学基金重点项目 | 2015-2019 | 360 | |
家用电器结构优化设计 | 博西华家用电器公司企业委托项目 | 2013-2017 | 270 | |
微纳结构增材制造工艺与装备 | 国家重点研发计划 | 2018-2021 | 450 | |
蛋白质芯片设计与制造 | 国家自然基金重点项目 | 2021-2025 | 300 |
2009年度国家杰出青年科学基金获得者,教育部长江学者奖励计划特聘教授,入选江苏省“333高层次人才培养工程”第一层次。研究领域涵盖摩擦学、微纳制造、增材制造、机械动力学、人工智能以及它们在先进设备和系统工程中的实际应用,包括高速列车、DNA 和蛋白质测序设备以及能源转换和利用设备。陈云飞开创了直接观察摩擦激励声子的方法,创建了基于声子的摩擦耗能理论,实现了对摩擦力、摩擦诱导振动和噪声的准确预测。做为首席科学家或项目负责人承担了增材制造、芯片热设计和高端装备系统研发的多项国家重点研发计划、自然基金重点等项目。系列研究成果发表在Nature,Science, Nature Communication, PRL, PNAS, JACS等期刊,被国际同行他引8000多次,作为第一完成人获得国家自然科学二等奖1项,教育部自然科学一等奖1项。
Google scholar:
1.Zhao, W., et al., The Thinnest Light Disk: Rewritable Data Storage and Encryption on WS2 Monolayers. Advanced Functional Materials, 2021.
2.Zhang, X., et al., A general strategy for designing two-dimensional high-efficiency layered thermoelectric materials. Energy & Environmental Science, 2021. 14(7): p. 4059-4066.
3.Yang, L., et al., Observation of superdiffusive phonon transport in aligned atomic chains. Nature Nanotechnology, 2021. 16(7): p. 764-+.
4.Tao, Y., et al., Non-monotonic boundary resistivity for electron transport in metal nanowires. Applied Physics Letters, 2021. 118(15).
5.Qi, H., et al., Synergic Effects of the Nanopore Size and Surface Charge on the Ion Selectivity of Graphene Membranes. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2021. 125(1): p. 507-514.
6.Lyu, Z., et al., Design and Manufacture of 3D-Printed Batteries. Joule, 2021. 5(1): p. 89-114.
7.Duan, Z., et al., Resonance in Atomic-Scale Sliding Friction. Nano Letters, 2021. 21(11): p. 4615-4621.
8.Zheng, F., et al., Ion Concentration Effect on Nanoscale Electrospray Modes. Small, 2020. 16(24).
9.Zhao, Y., et al., Experimental measurement of thermal conductivity along different crystallographic planes in graphite. Journal of Applied Physics, 2020. 128(4).
10.Zhang, Y., et al., Electroosmotic Facilitated Protein Capture and Transport through Solid-State Nanopores with Diameter Larger than Length. Small Methods, 2020. 4(11).
11.Zhang, X.W., et al., High ZT 2D Thermoelectrics by Design: Strong Interlayer Vibration and Complete Band-Extrema Alignment. Advanced Functional Materials, 2020. 30(22).
12.Wu, C., et al., Anomalous layer thickness dependent thermal conductivity of Td-WTe2 through first-principles calculation. Physics Letters A, 2020. 384(30).
13.Wei, Z.Y., et al., Significant enhancement of thermal boundary conductance in graphite/Al interface by ion intercalation. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020. 157.
14.Wei, Z.Y., et al., Phonon energy dissipation in friction between graphene/graphene interface. Journal of Applied Physics, 2020. 127(1).
15.Tao, Y., et al., The enhancement of heat conduction across the metal/graphite interface treated with a focused ion beam. Nanoscale, 2020. 12(27): p. 14838-14846.
16.Tao, Y., et al., Theory of aerodynamic heating from molecular collision analysis. Physics Letters A, 2020. 384(4).
17.Tan, X. and J. Luo, Research Advances of Lubrication. China Mechanical Engineering, 2020. 31(2): p. 145.
18.Si, W., et al., Detergent-Assisted Braking of Peptide Translocation through a Single-Layer Molybdenum Disulfide Nanopore. Small Methods, 2020. 4(11).
19.Si, W., et al., Shape characterization and discrimination of single nanoparticles using solid-state nanopores. Analyst, 2020. 145(5): p. 1657-1666.
20.Mo, J.W., et al., Fluid release pressure for micro-/nanoscale rectangular channels. Journal of Applied Physics, 2020. 127(11).
21.Luo, J., Investigation on the origin of friction and superlubricity. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2020. 65(27): p. 2967-2978.
22.Lin, K.B., et al., Charge Inversion and Calcium Gating in Mixtures of Ions in Nanopores. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2020. 142(6): p. 2925-2934.
23.Li, Z.W., et al., Strong Differential Monovalent Anion Selectivity in Narrow Diameter Carbon Nanotube Porins. Acs Nano, 2020. 14(5): p. 6269-6275.
24.Li, Y.H., et al., Water-ion permselectivity of narrow-diameter carbon nanotubes. Science Advances, 2020. 6(38).
25.Kan, Y.J., et al., Diminishing Cohesion of Chitosan Films in Acidic Solution by Multivalent Metal Cations. Langmuir, 2020. 36(18): p. 4964-4974.
项目名称 | 项目类别 | 项目时间 | 工作类别 | 项目金额 |
微纳传感与控制 | 国家杰出青年科学基金 | 2009-2013 | 200 | |
纳通道内生物分子电信号超灵敏检测方法与原理 | 国家重大基础研究计划(973) | 2011-2015 | 810 | |
基于多模式信号检测的超灵敏传感器的基础理论与关键技术 | 国家自然科学基金重点项目 | 2015-2019 | 360 | |
家用电器结构优化设计 | 博西华家用电器公司企业委托项目 | 2013-2017 | 270 | |
微纳结构增材制造工艺与装备 | 国家重点研发计划 | 2018-2021 | 450 | |
蛋白质芯片设计与制造 | 国家自然基金重点项目 | 2021-2025 | 300 |