

高强,博士,副教授,江苏省优秀博士论文获得者并入选江苏省科协青年科技人才托举工程。主持并参与了国家自然科学基金,国家重点研发计划,军委科技委、省部级及企业委托等科研项目。发表高水平SCI期刊论文40 余篇,申请授权专利10余项。

主要围绕人工智能优化设计展开研究,具体包括:1、人工智能优化设计方法(机器学习方法,优化算法,拓扑方法);2无人驾驶系统(感知,决策,控制);3智能制造3D&4D 打印) 

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=zh-CN&user=mM_GrXcAAAAJ(引用900+h-index 17



2021.03-至今 必威betway中文官网,副教授

2019.02-2021.03 香港中文大学,博士后



International Journalof Impact Engineering; Composites Part B-Engineering; Materials & Design》;International Journal of MechanicalScience; Thin Walled Structures》;Advances in Engineering Software; Neural Computing; Engineering Structures》;Proceedings of the Institution ofMechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering




[1]Gao, Q., & Liao, W. H*. (2021). Energy absorption of thinwalled tube filled with gradient auxetic structures-theory and simulation. InternationalJournal of Mechanical Sciences, 201, 106475.

[2]Chen, K., Gao, Q., Fang, S., Zou, D., Yang, Z.,& Liao, W. H*. (2021). An auxetic nonlinear piezoelectric energy harvesterfor enhancing efficiency and bandwidth. Applied Energy, 298,117274.

[3]Gao, Q., Liao, W. H.*, & Huang, C. (2020). Theoretical predictions of dynamicresponses of cylindrical sandwich filled with auxetic structures under impactloading. Aerospace Science and Technology, 107, 106270.

[4]Gao, Q., Liao, W*. H., & Wang, L. (2020). On the low-velocity impactresponses of auxetic double arrowed honeycomb. Aerospace Science andTechnology98, 105698.

[5]Gao, Q., Liao, W. H.*,& Wang, L. (2020). An analytical model of cylindrical double-arrowedhoneycomb with negative Poisson's ratio. International Journal ofMechanical Sciences173, 105400.

[6]Gao, Q., Tan, C. A., Hulbert, G., & Wang, L*. (2019). Geometrically nonlinearmechanical properties of auxetic double-V microstructures with negativePoisson's ratio. European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids,103933.

[7]Gao, Q., Zhao, X., Wang, C., Wang, L., & Ma, Z. (2019). Crashworthinessanalysis of a cylindrical auxetic structure under axial impact loading. ScienceChina Technological Sciences, 1-15. (Cover Paper)

[8]Gao, Q., Ge, C., Zhuang, W.*, Wang,L., & Ma, Z. (2019). Crashworthiness analysis of double-arrowed auxeticstructure under axial impact loading.Materials &Design, 161, 22-34.

[9]Gao, Q.,Wang, L.*, Zhou, Z., Ma, Z. D., Wang, C., & Wang, Y. (2018). Theoretical,numerical and experimental analysis of three-dimensional double-Vhoneycomb. Materials & Design, 139, 380-391.

[10]Gao, Q., Zhao, X., Wang, C., Wang, L.*, & Ma, Z. D. (2018). Multi-objectivecrashworthiness optimization for an auxetic cylindrical structure under axialimpact loading [J]. Materials & Design, 2018, 143,120-130.

[11]Gao, Q., Wang, L.*, Wang, Y., & Wang, C. (2017).Multi-objective optimization of a tapered elliptical tube under oblique impactloading. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, PartD: Journal of Automobile Engineering,0954407017690963.

[12]Gao, Q., Wang, L.*, Wang, Y., & Wang, C. (2016). Crushinganalysis and multi-objective crashworthiness optimization of foam-filledellipse tubes under oblique impact loading. Thin-Walled Structures, 100,105-112.

[13]Gao, Q.,Wang, L.*, Wang, Y., Guo, F., & Zhang, Z. (2016). Optimization offoam-filled double ellipse tubes under multiple loading cases. Advances in Engineering Software, 99, 27-35.

[14]Ge, C., Gao, Q.*, Wang, L., & Hong, Z. (2019).Theoretical prediction and numerical analysis for axial crushing behaviour ofelliptical aluminium foam-filled tube. Thin-Walled Structures,106523.

[15]Zhao, X., Gao, Q.*, Wang, L., Yu, Q., & Ma, Z. D. (2018).Dynamic crushing of double-arrowed auxetic structure under impact loading. Materials& Design, 160, 527-537.

[16]Ge, C., Gao, Q.*, & Wang, L. (2018). Theoretical and numericalanalysis of crashworthiness of elliptical thin-walled tube.InternationalJournal of Mechanical Sciences148, 467-474.

[17]Gao, Q., Wang, L.*, Wang, Y., Guo, F., & Zhang, Z. (2016, August). CrushingAnalysis of Tapered Ellipse Tubes Under Oblique Impact Loading. In ASME 2016International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers andInformation in Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

[18]Gao, Q., Wang, L*, Wang, Y., et al., (2017) Energy-absorbing characteristics offoam-filled oval tub under oblique impact [J]. Journal of vibration and shock,36(2), 201-206. (EI)

[19]Gao, Q.*, Ma, Z. D., & Zhong, H. (2018). Analyses on MechanicalProperties of the Cylindrical Double-V Micro-Structure (No.2018-01-0118). SAE Technical Paper.


ZL201510604509.1, 商用车发动机固定装置,发明专利

高强 人工智能;优化设计;智能制造
Personal Introduction

高强,博士,副教授,江苏省优秀博士论文获得者并入选江苏省科协青年科技人才托举工程。主持并参与了国家自然科学基金,国家重点研发计划,军委科技委、省部级及企业委托等科研项目。发表高水平SCI期刊论文40 余篇,申请授权专利10余项。

主要围绕人工智能优化设计展开研究,具体包括:1、人工智能优化设计方法(机器学习方法,优化算法,拓扑方法);2无人驾驶系统(感知,决策,控制);3智能制造3D&4D 打印) 

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=zh-CN&user=mM_GrXcAAAAJ(引用900+h-index 17


Educational Background

[1]Gao, Q., & Liao, W. H*. (2021). Energy absorption of thinwalled tube filled with gradient auxetic structures-theory and simulation. InternationalJournal of Mechanical Sciences, 201, 106475.

[2]Chen, K., Gao, Q., Fang, S., Zou, D., Yang, Z.,& Liao, W. H*. (2021). An auxetic nonlinear piezoelectric energy harvesterfor enhancing efficiency and bandwidth. Applied Energy, 298,117274.

[3]Gao, Q., Liao, W. H.*, & Huang, C. (2020). Theoretical predictions of dynamicresponses of cylindrical sandwich filled with auxetic structures under impactloading. Aerospace Science and Technology, 107, 106270.

[4]Gao, Q., Liao, W*. H., & Wang, L. (2020). On the low-velocity impactresponses of auxetic double arrowed honeycomb. Aerospace Science andTechnology98, 105698.

[5]Gao, Q., Liao, W. H.*,& Wang, L. (2020). An analytical model of cylindrical double-arrowedhoneycomb with negative Poisson's ratio. International Journal ofMechanical Sciences173, 105400.

[6]Gao, Q., Tan, C. A., Hulbert, G., & Wang, L*. (2019). Geometrically nonlinearmechanical properties of auxetic double-V microstructures with negativePoisson's ratio. European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids,103933.

[7]Gao, Q., Zhao, X., Wang, C., Wang, L., & Ma, Z. (2019). Crashworthinessanalysis of a cylindrical auxetic structure under axial impact loading. ScienceChina Technological Sciences, 1-15. (Cover Paper)

[8]Gao, Q., Ge, C., Zhuang, W.*, Wang,L., & Ma, Z. (2019). Crashworthiness analysis of double-arrowed auxeticstructure under axial impact loading.Materials &Design, 161, 22-34.

[9]Gao, Q.,Wang, L.*, Zhou, Z., Ma, Z. D., Wang, C., & Wang, Y. (2018). Theoretical,numerical and experimental analysis of three-dimensional double-Vhoneycomb. Materials & Design, 139, 380-391.

[10]Gao, Q., Zhao, X., Wang, C., Wang, L.*, & Ma, Z. D. (2018). Multi-objectivecrashworthiness optimization for an auxetic cylindrical structure under axialimpact loading [J]. Materials & Design, 2018, 143,120-130.

[11]Gao, Q., Wang, L.*, Wang, Y., & Wang, C. (2017).Multi-objective optimization of a tapered elliptical tube under oblique impactloading. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, PartD: Journal of Automobile Engineering,0954407017690963.

[12]Gao, Q., Wang, L.*, Wang, Y., & Wang, C. (2016). Crushinganalysis and multi-objective crashworthiness optimization of foam-filledellipse tubes under oblique impact loading. Thin-Walled Structures, 100,105-112.

[13]Gao, Q.,Wang, L.*, Wang, Y., Guo, F., & Zhang, Z. (2016). Optimization offoam-filled double ellipse tubes under multiple loading cases. Advances in Engineering Software, 99, 27-35.

[14]Ge, C., Gao, Q.*, Wang, L., & Hong, Z. (2019).Theoretical prediction and numerical analysis for axial crushing behaviour ofelliptical aluminium foam-filled tube. Thin-Walled Structures,106523.

[15]Zhao, X., Gao, Q.*, Wang, L., Yu, Q., & Ma, Z. D. (2018).Dynamic crushing of double-arrowed auxetic structure under impact loading. Materials& Design, 160, 527-537.

[16]Ge, C., Gao, Q.*, & Wang, L. (2018). Theoretical and numericalanalysis of crashworthiness of elliptical thin-walled tube.InternationalJournal of Mechanical Sciences148, 467-474.

[17]Gao, Q., Wang, L.*, Wang, Y., Guo, F., & Zhang, Z. (2016, August). CrushingAnalysis of Tapered Ellipse Tubes Under Oblique Impact Loading. In ASME 2016International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers andInformation in Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

[18]Gao, Q., Wang, L*, Wang, Y., et al., (2017) Energy-absorbing characteristics offoam-filled oval tub under oblique impact [J]. Journal of vibration and shock,36(2), 201-206. (EI)

[19]Gao, Q.*, Ma, Z. D., & Zhong, H. (2018). Analyses on MechanicalProperties of the Cylindrical Double-V Micro-Structure (No.2018-01-0118). SAE Technical Paper.

Professional Experience
Research Interests

ZL201510604509.1, 商用车发动机固定装置,发明专利

Refereed Journals
Other Professional Activities
Selected Publications
Research Projects
Patents and Applications