1993年-2008年, 必威西汉姆联官网,助教,讲师,副教授,硕士生导师
2008年 -至今,必威西汉姆联官网教授,博士生导师
Mechanical system and signal processing
International journal of mechanical science
The journal of acoustic society of america
Applied Acoustics
Applied Intelligence
Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanic
Structure and Multidisciplinary optimization
Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies
Transactions on Mechatronics
国家教委科技进步一等奖:机械结构振动, 噪声控制技术研究
Jiang, QB;Yu, CY;Zhou, Y;Zhao, ZQ;Gao, Q;Sun, BB. Modeling and analysis of beam-spring magnetically coupled bistable energy harvester for broadband vibration energy harvesting. JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION. 2024, 579.
Jiang, QB;Yu, CY;Gao, Q;Zhang, N;Sun, BB. An enhanced magnetically coupled bistable energy harvester with a spring oscillator: A numerical and experimental study. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NON-LINEAR MECHANICS. 2024, 160.
Jiang, QB;Feng, XX;Yan, Y;Cao, CT;Mei, WD;Ni, ZH;Sun, BB. Study on lightweight optimization method for the anvil of large-tonnage offshore pile hammers based on anti-fatigue criterion. APPLIED OCEAN RESEARCH. 2024, 147.
Barakat, A;Sun, BB. Controlling TPMS lattice deformation for enhanced convective heat transfer: A comparative study of Diamond and Gyroid structures. INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS IN HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER. 2024, 154.
Barakat, A;Sun, BB. Enhanced convective heat transfer in new triply periodic minimal surface structures: Numerical and experimental investigation. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER. 2024,227.
Wang, M;Shen, X;Wu, YP;Sun, BB. Research on low-expansion metamaterial technique of four-leaf clover bionic structure. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART B-JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING MANUFACTURE. 2024
Pan, Yi Zhou, Yang; Gao, Qiang; Sun, Beibei。 A novel 3D polygonal double-negative mechanical metamaterial with negative stiffness and negative Poisson's ratio. Composite Structures, v 331, March 1, 2024.
Chen, L;Liao, X;Xia, GF;Sun, BB;Zhou, Y . Variable-potential bistable nonlinear energy sink for enhanced vibration suppression and energy harvesting. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCES. 2023,242
Zhou, Y;Pan, Y;Chen, L;Gao, Q;Sun, BB. Study on the Bending Behaviors of a Novel Flexible Re-Entrant Honeycomb. JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME. 2023,145(4)
Zhou, Y;Pan, Y;Gao, Q;Sun, BB. In-Plane Quasi-Static Crushing Behaviors of a Novel Reentrant Combined-Wall Honeycomb. JOURNAL OF APPLIED MECHANICS-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME. 2023,90(5)
Ibrahim, DS;Sun, BB;Jibia, AU;Oluseyi, OA;Sharif, U;Abdullahi, AY. Optimal strain-deflection analyses of a wedge edged beam for enhanced vibration energy scavenging in patch-like harvester. MECHANICS BASED DESIGN OF STRUCTURES AND MACHINES. 2023,51(5):2435-2457
Pan, Y;Zhou, Y;Wang, M;Gao, Q;Sun, BB. A novel reinforced cylindrical negative stiffness metamaterial for shock isolation: Analysis and application. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOLIDS AND STRUCTURES. 2023,279
Xu, YD;Yan, XA;Feng, K;Zhang, YC;Zhao, XL;Sun, BB;Liu, Z. Global contextual multiscale fusion networks for machine health state identification under noisy and imbalanced conditions. RELIABILITY ENGINEERING & SYSTEM SAFETY, 2023,231
Xu, YD;Feng, K;Yan, XA;Yan, RQ;Ni, Q;Sun, BB;Lei, ZH;Zhang, YC;Liu, Z. CFCNN: A novel convolutional fusion framework for collaborative fault identification of rotating machinery. INFORMATION FUSION. 2023,95.1-16
Ibrahim, DS;Sun, BB;Oluseyi, OA;Peng, Z;Sharif, U. Nonlinear dynamic analysis of a reciprocative magnetic coupling on performance of piezoelectric energy harvester interfaced with DC circuit. MECHANICS OF ADVANCED MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES, 2022, 29(26): 5488-5500.
Sharif, U;Chen, L;Sun, BB;Ibrahim, DS;Adewale, OO;Tariq, N. An experimental study on dynamic behaviour of a sandwich beam with 3D printed hexagonal honeycomb core filled with magnetorheological elastomer (MRE). SMART MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES. 2022, 31(5).
Xu, YD;Yan, XA;Sun, BB;Zhai, JH;Liu, Z. Multireceptive Field Denoising Residual Convolutional Networks for Fault Diagnosis. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS. 2022, 69(11): 11686-11696.
Xu, YD;Yan, XA;Sun, BB;Liu, Z. Hierarchical Multiscale Dense Networks for Intelligent Fault Diagnosis of Electromechanical Systems. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT, 2022, 71.
Xu, YD;Yan, XA;Sun, BB;Liu, Z. Global contextual residual convolutional neural networks for motor fault diagnosis under variable-speed conditions. RELIABILITY ENGINEERING & SYSTEM SAFETY. 2022, 225.
Xu, Yadong ; Yan, Xiaoan ; Sun, Beibei ; Liu, Zheng. Dually attentive multiscale networks for health state recognition of rotating machinery. Reliability Engineering and System Safety. 2022, 225.
Xu, YD;Yan, XA;Sun, BB;Liu, Z. Deep Coupled Visual Perceptual Networks for Motor Fault Diagnosis Under Nonstationary Conditions. IEEE-ASME TRANSACTIONS ON MECHATRONICS. 2022, 27(6): 4840-4850.
Xu, YD;Yan, XA;Feng, K;Sheng, X;Sun, BB;Liu, Z. Attention-based multiscale denoising residual convolutional neural networks for fault diagnosis of rotating machinery. RELIABILITY ENGINEERING & SYSTEM SAFETY. 2022, 226.
Chen, L;Liao, X;Sun, BB;Zhang, N;Wu, JW. A numerical-experimental dynamic analysis of high-efficiency and broadband bistable energy harvester with self-decreasing potential barrier effect. APPLIED ENERGY. 2022,317.
Zhou, Y;Pan, Y;Chen, L;Gao, Q;Sun, BB. Mechanical behaviors of a novel auxetic honeycomb characterized by re-entrant combined-wall hierarchical substructures. MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS. 2022, 9(11):
Zhou, Y;He, Y;Wu, JW;Cui, C;Chen, ML;Sun, BB. A method of parameter estimation for cardiovascular hemodynamics based on deep learning and its application to personalize a reduced-order model. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL METHODS IN BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, 2022, 38(1).
Wu, JW;Sun, BB;Huang, R;Peng, Z . Two-step modeling method for inverted pendulum considering Coulomb friction based on Lagrange equation and its model predictive control. CONTROL ENGINEERING AND APPLIED INFORMATICS. 2021. 23(3): 32-41
Ibrahim, DS;Sun, BB;Oluseyi, OA;Peng, Z;Sharif, U. Nonlinear dynamic analysis of a reciprocative magnetic coupling on performance of piezoelectric energy harvester interfaced with DC circuit. MECHANICS OF ADVANCED MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES
Xu, Yadong ; Yan, Xiaoan ; Sun, Beibei ; Zhai, Jinhui ; Liu, Zheng. Multireceptive Field Denoising Residual Convolutional Networks for Fault Diagnosis. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 2021
Sharif, Umer ; Sun, Beibei ; Hussain, Shahid ; Ibrahim, Dauda Sh. ; Adewale, Orelaja Oluseyi ; Ashraf, Sumaira ; Bashir, Farrukh. Dynamic behavior of sandwich structures with magnetorheological elastomer A review . Materials, 2021, 14(22)
Sharif Umer;Sun Bei Bei;Zhao Peng;Ibrahim Dauda Sh.;Adewale Orelaja Oluseyi;Zafar Aleena. Dynamic Behavior Analysis of the Sandwich Beam Structure with Magnetorheological Honeycomb Core under Different Magnetic Intensities: A Numerical Approach. Materials Science Forum, 2021,6270
Zhou, Y;He, Y;Wu, JW;Cui, C;Chen, ML;Sun, BB. A method of parameter estimation for cardiovascular hemodynamics based on deep learning and its application to personalize a reduced-order model. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL METHODS IN BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, 2021
Ibrahim, DS;Sun, BB;Jibia, AU;Oluseyi, OA;Sharif, U;Abdullahi, AY. Optimal strain-deflection analyses of a wedge edged beam for enhanced vibration energy scavenging in patch-like harvester. MECHANICS BASED DESIGN OF STRUCTURES AND MACHINES, 2021
Ibrahim, DS;Sun, BB;Fatai, S;Oluseyi, OA;Sharif, U. Numerical and experimental study of a gauge-shaped beam for improved performance of piezoelectric energy harvester. MICROSYSTEM TECHNOLOGIES-MICRO-AND NANOSYSTEMS-INFORMATION STORAGE AND PROCESSING SYSTEMS,2021.
Ibrahim, DS;Sun, BB;Oluseyi, OA;Peng, Z;Sharif, U. Nonlinear dynamic analysis of a reciprocative magnetic coupling on performance of piezoelectric energy harvester interfaced with DC circuit. MECHANICS OF ADVANCED MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES, 2021.
Zhou, Y;Sun, BB;Chen, ML;Cui, C . Research of flow dynamics and occlusion condition in roller pump systems used for ventricular assist. ARTIFICIAL ORGANS ;2020;
Su, Liangwei ; Zhang, Yingjie ; Sun, Beibei*. Multi-objective optimization of deployable composite cylindrical thin-walled hinges with progressive damage[J]. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, :2020,61(2):803-817
Lingjian Shi, Beibei Sun, Ibrahim, et al. An active learning reliability method with multiple kernel functions based on radial basis function [J]. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2019, 60(1):211-229.
Lie Li, Beibei Sun, Haitao Hua. Nonlinear system modeling and damping implementation of a boring bar [J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2019, 104(1-4):921-930.
Fei Xue, Beibei Sun, Renqiang Jiao, Jiandong Chen. Numerical studies on the acoustic characteristics of the U-shaped corrugated pipes and application investigations [J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2019, 233(5):1136-1149.
Fei Xue, Beibei Sun. Experimental study on the comprehensive performance of the application of U-shaped corrugated pipes into reactive mufflers [J]. Applied Acoustics, 2018, 141:362-370.
Lingjian Shi, Beibei Sun. Modeling and optimization of vibration response characteristics of the orbital sander based on surrogate model [J]. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2018, 57(6):2259-2271.
重大工矿设备智能故障预测与健康管理系统, 江苏省工业和信息产业转型升级专项资金项目(7602006021)
工程机械大扭矩轮毂驱动关键技术及应用示范,国家重点研发计划“制造基础技术与关键部件 ”(2019YFB2006400)
新型体外低流量左室辅助泵的研制与有效性评价研究, 中央高校基本科研业务费(2242019K3DN05)
罐式汽车刚柔液耦合系统动态特性建模与优化研究,江苏省 “六大人才高峰”项目
分离装置动力学建模与仿真分析, 企业委托
一种弹簧冲锤式冲击疲劳试验装置. 专利号:ZL 202210823329.2. 授权公告号:CN115307860B
一种加固型负刚度超材料结构. 专利号:ZL 202111148839.6. 授权公告号:CN114038518 B
一种内凹型负泊松比超材料胞元及蜂窝结构. 专利号:ZL 202111316592.4. 授权公告号: CN 113958637 B
一种医用滚压泵流场仿真建模方法. 专利号:ZL 202010061280.2. 授权公告号:CN111274743B
扭簧加载消隙齿轮齿面磨损量计算模型. 专利号:ZL 201910386560.8; 授权公告号:CN110188409B
一种负泊松比和热膨胀可同时调控的超材料结构. 授权公告号:CN112682681B; 专利号:ZL 202011283388.2
一种基于分瓣螺母的解锁分离装置. 授权公告号:CN113277124B. 专利号:ZL 202110316899.8
一种减振超材料阻尼板. 授权公告号:CN112519330B. 专利号:ZL 202011215228.4.
一种轮子可收起的行李箱。专利号:ZL 201910296450.2,
一种高温和低温环境下车辆停车警示装置, 授权公告号:CN109501671B, 专利号:ZL 201811171357.0
货车侧翻模拟实验装置, 授权公告号:CN109489990B, 专利号:ZL 201811329462.2
一种带有外置吸振器的减振镗杆及其工作方法. 专利号:ZL 201810925979.1
一种星载抛物柱面天线伸展臂; 授权公告号:CN108832254B; 专利号:ZL 201810516693.8
一种组合式智能自供电减振镗杆. 专利号:ZL201811075202.7,授权公告号:CN 108941639B
载荷力方向自平衡的加载装置及力方向自控的数控刀架静刚度测试平台。 专利号:ZL 201510061048.8 ,第2629542号,
笔记本电脑散热装置, ZL 201510711783.9,第3077108号
橡胶弹簧减振座椅。专利号:ZL 200510094757.2,第380616号,。
工程车辆前桥的减振橡胶悬架装置 专利号:ZL 200510094759.1,第371904号
橡胶弹簧减振器。专利号:ZL 200510094758.7,第390328号
Jiang, QB;Yu, CY;Zhou, Y;Zhao, ZQ;Gao, Q;Sun, BB. Modeling and analysis of beam-spring magnetically coupled bistable energy harvester for broadband vibration energy harvesting. JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION. 2024, 579.
Jiang, QB;Yu, CY;Gao, Q;Zhang, N;Sun, BB. An enhanced magnetically coupled bistable energy harvester with a spring oscillator: A numerical and experimental study. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NON-LINEAR MECHANICS. 2024, 160.
Jiang, QB;Feng, XX;Yan, Y;Cao, CT;Mei, WD;Ni, ZH;Sun, BB. Study on lightweight optimization method for the anvil of large-tonnage offshore pile hammers based on anti-fatigue criterion. APPLIED OCEAN RESEARCH. 2024, 147.
Barakat, A;Sun, BB. Controlling TPMS lattice deformation for enhanced convective heat transfer: A comparative study of Diamond and Gyroid structures. INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS IN HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER. 2024, 154.
Barakat, A;Sun, BB. Enhanced convective heat transfer in new triply periodic minimal surface structures: Numerical and experimental investigation. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER. 2024,227.
Wang, M;Shen, X;Wu, YP;Sun, BB. Research on low-expansion metamaterial technique of four-leaf clover bionic structure. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART B-JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING MANUFACTURE. 2024
Pan, Yi Zhou, Yang; Gao, Qiang; Sun, Beibei。 A novel 3D polygonal double-negative mechanical metamaterial with negative stiffness and negative Poisson's ratio. Composite Structures, v 331, March 1, 2024.
Chen, L;Liao, X;Xia, GF;Sun, BB;Zhou, Y . Variable-potential bistable nonlinear energy sink for enhanced vibration suppression and energy harvesting. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCES. 2023,242
Zhou, Y;Pan, Y;Chen, L;Gao, Q;Sun, BB. Study on the Bending Behaviors of a Novel Flexible Re-Entrant Honeycomb. JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME. 2023,145(4)
Zhou, Y;Pan, Y;Gao, Q;Sun, BB. In-Plane Quasi-Static Crushing Behaviors of a Novel Reentrant Combined-Wall Honeycomb. JOURNAL OF APPLIED MECHANICS-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME. 2023,90(5)
Ibrahim, DS;Sun, BB;Jibia, AU;Oluseyi, OA;Sharif, U;Abdullahi, AY. Optimal strain-deflection analyses of a wedge edged beam for enhanced vibration energy scavenging in patch-like harvester. MECHANICS BASED DESIGN OF STRUCTURES AND MACHINES. 2023,51(5):2435-2457
Pan, Y;Zhou, Y;Wang, M;Gao, Q;Sun, BB. A novel reinforced cylindrical negative stiffness metamaterial for shock isolation: Analysis and application. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOLIDS AND STRUCTURES. 2023,279
Xu, YD;Yan, XA;Feng, K;Zhang, YC;Zhao, XL;Sun, BB;Liu, Z. Global contextual multiscale fusion networks for machine health state identification under noisy and imbalanced conditions. RELIABILITY ENGINEERING & SYSTEM SAFETY, 2023,231
Xu, YD;Feng, K;Yan, XA;Yan, RQ;Ni, Q;Sun, BB;Lei, ZH;Zhang, YC;Liu, Z. CFCNN: A novel convolutional fusion framework for collaborative fault identification of rotating machinery. INFORMATION FUSION. 2023,95.1-16
Ibrahim, DS;Sun, BB;Oluseyi, OA;Peng, Z;Sharif, U. Nonlinear dynamic analysis of a reciprocative magnetic coupling on performance of piezoelectric energy harvester interfaced with DC circuit. MECHANICS OF ADVANCED MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES, 2022, 29(26): 5488-5500.
Sharif, U;Chen, L;Sun, BB;Ibrahim, DS;Adewale, OO;Tariq, N. An experimental study on dynamic behaviour of a sandwich beam with 3D printed hexagonal honeycomb core filled with magnetorheological elastomer (MRE). SMART MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES. 2022, 31(5).
Xu, YD;Yan, XA;Sun, BB;Zhai, JH;Liu, Z. Multireceptive Field Denoising Residual Convolutional Networks for Fault Diagnosis. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS. 2022, 69(11): 11686-11696.
Xu, YD;Yan, XA;Sun, BB;Liu, Z. Hierarchical Multiscale Dense Networks for Intelligent Fault Diagnosis of Electromechanical Systems. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT, 2022, 71.
Xu, YD;Yan, XA;Sun, BB;Liu, Z. Global contextual residual convolutional neural networks for motor fault diagnosis under variable-speed conditions. RELIABILITY ENGINEERING & SYSTEM SAFETY. 2022, 225.
Xu, Yadong ; Yan, Xiaoan ; Sun, Beibei ; Liu, Zheng. Dually attentive multiscale networks for health state recognition of rotating machinery. Reliability Engineering and System Safety. 2022, 225.
Xu, YD;Yan, XA;Sun, BB;Liu, Z. Deep Coupled Visual Perceptual Networks for Motor Fault Diagnosis Under Nonstationary Conditions. IEEE-ASME TRANSACTIONS ON MECHATRONICS. 2022, 27(6): 4840-4850.
Xu, YD;Yan, XA;Feng, K;Sheng, X;Sun, BB;Liu, Z. Attention-based multiscale denoising residual convolutional neural networks for fault diagnosis of rotating machinery. RELIABILITY ENGINEERING & SYSTEM SAFETY. 2022, 226.
Chen, L;Liao, X;Sun, BB;Zhang, N;Wu, JW. A numerical-experimental dynamic analysis of high-efficiency and broadband bistable energy harvester with self-decreasing potential barrier effect. APPLIED ENERGY. 2022,317.
Zhou, Y;Pan, Y;Chen, L;Gao, Q;Sun, BB. Mechanical behaviors of a novel auxetic honeycomb characterized by re-entrant combined-wall hierarchical substructures. MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS. 2022, 9(11):
Zhou, Y;He, Y;Wu, JW;Cui, C;Chen, ML;Sun, BB. A method of parameter estimation for cardiovascular hemodynamics based on deep learning and its application to personalize a reduced-order model. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL METHODS IN BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, 2022, 38(1).
Wu, JW;Sun, BB;Huang, R;Peng, Z . Two-step modeling method for inverted pendulum considering Coulomb friction based on Lagrange equation and its model predictive control. CONTROL ENGINEERING AND APPLIED INFORMATICS. 2021. 23(3): 32-41
Ibrahim, DS;Sun, BB;Oluseyi, OA;Peng, Z;Sharif, U. Nonlinear dynamic analysis of a reciprocative magnetic coupling on performance of piezoelectric energy harvester interfaced with DC circuit. MECHANICS OF ADVANCED MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES
Xu, Yadong ; Yan, Xiaoan ; Sun, Beibei ; Zhai, Jinhui ; Liu, Zheng. Multireceptive Field Denoising Residual Convolutional Networks for Fault Diagnosis. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 2021
Sharif, Umer ; Sun, Beibei ; Hussain, Shahid ; Ibrahim, Dauda Sh. ; Adewale, Orelaja Oluseyi ; Ashraf, Sumaira ; Bashir, Farrukh. Dynamic behavior of sandwich structures with magnetorheological elastomer A review . Materials, 2021, 14(22)
Sharif Umer;Sun Bei Bei;Zhao Peng;Ibrahim Dauda Sh.;Adewale Orelaja Oluseyi;Zafar Aleena. Dynamic Behavior Analysis of the Sandwich Beam Structure with Magnetorheological Honeycomb Core under Different Magnetic Intensities: A Numerical Approach. Materials Science Forum, 2021,6270
Zhou, Y;He, Y;Wu, JW;Cui, C;Chen, ML;Sun, BB. A method of parameter estimation for cardiovascular hemodynamics based on deep learning and its application to personalize a reduced-order model. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL METHODS IN BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, 2021
Ibrahim, DS;Sun, BB;Jibia, AU;Oluseyi, OA;Sharif, U;Abdullahi, AY. Optimal strain-deflection analyses of a wedge edged beam for enhanced vibration energy scavenging in patch-like harvester. MECHANICS BASED DESIGN OF STRUCTURES AND MACHINES, 2021
Ibrahim, DS;Sun, BB;Fatai, S;Oluseyi, OA;Sharif, U. Numerical and experimental study of a gauge-shaped beam for improved performance of piezoelectric energy harvester. MICROSYSTEM TECHNOLOGIES-MICRO-AND NANOSYSTEMS-INFORMATION STORAGE AND PROCESSING SYSTEMS,2021.
Ibrahim, DS;Sun, BB;Oluseyi, OA;Peng, Z;Sharif, U. Nonlinear dynamic analysis of a reciprocative magnetic coupling on performance of piezoelectric energy harvester interfaced with DC circuit. MECHANICS OF ADVANCED MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES, 2021.
Zhou, Y;Sun, BB;Chen, ML;Cui, C . Research of flow dynamics and occlusion condition in roller pump systems used for ventricular assist. ARTIFICIAL ORGANS ;2020;
Su, Liangwei ; Zhang, Yingjie ; Sun, Beibei*. Multi-objective optimization of deployable composite cylindrical thin-walled hinges with progressive damage[J]. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, :2020,61(2):803-817
Lingjian Shi, Beibei Sun, Ibrahim, et al. An active learning reliability method with multiple kernel functions based on radial basis function [J]. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2019, 60(1):211-229.
Lie Li, Beibei Sun, Haitao Hua. Nonlinear system modeling and damping implementation of a boring bar [J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2019, 104(1-4):921-930.
Fei Xue, Beibei Sun, Renqiang Jiao, Jiandong Chen. Numerical studies on the acoustic characteristics of the U-shaped corrugated pipes and application investigations [J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2019, 233(5):1136-1149.
Fei Xue, Beibei Sun. Experimental study on the comprehensive performance of the application of U-shaped corrugated pipes into reactive mufflers [J]. Applied Acoustics, 2018, 141:362-370.
Lingjian Shi, Beibei Sun. Modeling and optimization of vibration response characteristics of the orbital sander based on surrogate model [J]. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2018, 57(6):2259-2271.
重大工矿设备智能故障预测与健康管理系统, 江苏省工业和信息产业转型升级专项资金项目(7602006021)
工程机械大扭矩轮毂驱动关键技术及应用示范,国家重点研发计划“制造基础技术与关键部件 ”(2019YFB2006400)
新型体外低流量左室辅助泵的研制与有效性评价研究, 中央高校基本科研业务费(2242019K3DN05)
罐式汽车刚柔液耦合系统动态特性建模与优化研究,江苏省 “六大人才高峰”项目
分离装置动力学建模与仿真分析, 企业委托
一种弹簧冲锤式冲击疲劳试验装置. 专利号:ZL 202210823329.2. 授权公告号:CN115307860B
一种加固型负刚度超材料结构. 专利号:ZL 202111148839.6. 授权公告号:CN114038518 B
一种内凹型负泊松比超材料胞元及蜂窝结构. 专利号:ZL 202111316592.4. 授权公告号: CN 113958637 B
一种医用滚压泵流场仿真建模方法. 专利号:ZL 202010061280.2. 授权公告号:CN111274743B
扭簧加载消隙齿轮齿面磨损量计算模型. 专利号:ZL 201910386560.8; 授权公告号:CN110188409B
一种负泊松比和热膨胀可同时调控的超材料结构. 授权公告号:CN112682681B; 专利号:ZL 202011283388.2
一种基于分瓣螺母的解锁分离装置. 授权公告号:CN113277124B. 专利号:ZL 202110316899.8
一种减振超材料阻尼板. 授权公告号:CN112519330B. 专利号:ZL 202011215228.4.
一种轮子可收起的行李箱。专利号:ZL 201910296450.2,
一种高温和低温环境下车辆停车警示装置, 授权公告号:CN109501671B, 专利号:ZL 201811171357.0
货车侧翻模拟实验装置, 授权公告号:CN109489990B, 专利号:ZL 201811329462.2
一种带有外置吸振器的减振镗杆及其工作方法. 专利号:ZL 201810925979.1
一种星载抛物柱面天线伸展臂; 授权公告号:CN108832254B; 专利号:ZL 201810516693.8
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