魏志勇,必威西汉姆联官网副教授,博士生导师,江苏省优秀博士论文获得者,唐仲英基金会“仲英青年学者”,是必威betway中文官网和美国加州大学伯克利分校联合培养博士(导师:必威betway中文官网陈云飞教授和加州大学伯克利分校Chris Dames教授),课题组主要研究方向为机械摩擦学与表界面科学,以第一作者或通讯作者在PhysicalReview Letters、Nano Letters、Journalof Applied Physics、ACS Applied Materials &Interfaces、Friction、Carbon等期刊发表学术论文30余篇,Google Scholar 引用1300余次,受邀担任摩擦学领域知名学术期刊Friction 青年编委、江苏省机械工程学会摩擦学分会常务委员,获2018年度国家自然科学二等奖(获奖名称:摩擦界面的声子传递理论与能量耗散模型)和2016年教育部自然科学一等奖(获奖名称:能量在多层膜界面的输运与耗散机理),是中国机械工程学会高级会员、教育部硕士/博士学位论文评审专家和国家自然科学基金通讯评审专家。
[1]. Shuyu Huang#, Zhiyong Wei#, Zaoqi Duan#, Chengdong Sun#,Yongkang Wang, Yi Tao, Yan Zhang, Yajing Kan, Ernst Meyer, Deyu Li*,Yunfei Chen*, A re-examination of damping in sliding friction,Physical Review Letters 132,056203 (2024).
[2]. Zhiyong Wei*, DongHan, Qi Wang, Chengdong Sun, Yi Tao, Li Xiang, Yajing Kan, Yan Zhang, Xi Lu,and Yunfei Chen*, Modulating friction by the phase of the vertical vibrational excitation at washboard frequency, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 15, 45516-45525 (2023).
[3]. Tiantian Tong, Yong Li, Chao Wu,Chaofan Ma, Juekuan Yang, Zhiyong Wei*, Thermal conductivity of single silk fibroin fibers measured from the 3ω method, International Journal of Thermal Sciences 185, 108057 (2023).
[4]. Yun Dong,Yongkang Wang, Zaoqi Duan, Shuyu Huang, Yi Tao, Xi Lu, Yan Zhang, Yajing Kan, Zhiyong Wei*, Deyu Li*, Yunfei Chen*, Phononic origin of structural lubrication, Friction 11, 966–976 (2023).
[5]. Zhiyong Wei*,Li Xiang, Yajing Kan, Yan Zhang, Yunfei Chen*, Effects of the normal load on the excited phonons in atomic friction, Journal of Applied Physics 132,175301 (2022). (Editor’spicks)
[6]. Zaoqi Duan#, Zhiyong Wei#, Shuyu Huang#, Yongkang Wang, Chengdong Sun, Yi Tao,Yun Dong, Juekuan Yang, Yan Zhang, Yajing Kan, Deyu Li*, and YunfeiChen*, Resonance in atomic-scale sliding friction, Nano Letters 21, 4615-4621 (2021).
[7].Zhiyong Wei*, WenjingJu, Kedong Bi, Juekuan Yang, Yunfei Chen*, Significant enhancement of thermal boundary conductance in graphite/Al interface by ion intercalation, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 157, 119946(2020).
[8]. Zhiyong Wei#,Zaoqi Duan#, Yajing Kan, Yan Zhang, and Yunfei Chen*, Phonon energy dissipation in friction between graphene/graphene interface, Journal of Applied Physics 127, 015105 (2020).
[9]. Yi Tao, Chao Wu, HanQi, Chenhan Liu, Xiongyu Wu, Mengyi Hao, Zhiyong Wei*, Juekuan Yang* and Yunfei Chen*, The enhancement of heat conduction across themetal/graphite interface treated with focused ion beam, Nanoscale 12, 14838-14846(2020).
[10].Zhiyong Wei*, Fan Yang, Kedong Bi, Juekuan Yang, and Yunfei Chen, Tuning the interfacial thermal conductance via the anisotropic elastic properties of graphite, Carbon 144, 109-115 (2019).
Nano Letters
Journal of Applied Physics
International Journal of Heat and MassTransfer
Physical Review Materials
Physical Review E
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matters
Journal of Energy Storage
Soft Materials
[1].ZhiyongWei#, Zaoqi Duan#, Yajing Kan, Yan Zhang, andYunfei Chen*, “Phonon energy dissipation in friction between graphene/grapheneinterface”, Journal of Applied Physics 127, 015105 (2020).
[2]. Yi Tao, Chao Wu, HanQi, Chenhan Liu, Xiongyu Wu, Mengyi Hao, Zhiyong Wei*, JuekuanYang* and Yunfei Chen*, “The Enhancement of Heat Conduction Acrossthe Metal/Graphite Interface Treated with Focused Ion Beam”, Nanoscale,12,14838-14846(2020).
[3]. Zhiyong Wei*, Wenjing Ju, Kedong Bi, JuekuanYang, Yunfei Chen*, “Significant enhancement of thermal boundary conductance ingraphite/Al interface by ion intercalation”, International Journal of Heat andMass Transfer, 157, 119946 (2020).
[4]. Zhiyong Wei, FanYang, Kedong Bi, Juekuan Yang, and Yunfei Chen, Tuning the Interfacial ThermalConductance via the Anisotropic Elastic Properties of Graphite, Carbon 144,109-115 (2019).
[5]. Zhiyong Wei, YajingKan, Yan Zhang, and Yunfei Chen, The Frictional Energy Dissipation andInterfacial Heat Conduction in the Sliding Interface, AIP Advances 8, 115321(2018).
[6]. Zhiyong Wei, FanYang, Kedong Bi, Juekuan Yang, and Yunfei Chen, Tunable Anisotropic ThermalConductivity and Elastic Properties in Intercalated Graphite via Lithium Ions,Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122, 1447 (2018).
[7]. Zhiyong Wei, FanYang, Kedong Bi, Juekuan Yang, and Yunfei Chen, Thermal Transport Properties ofAll-sp2 Three-dimensional Graphene: Anisotropy, Size and Pressure effects,Carbon 113, 212 (2017).
[8]. Qian Zhang#, ZhiguangCui#, Zhiyong Wei, Siang Yee Chang, Lin Yang, YangZhao, Yang Yang, Zhe Guan, Youfei Jiang, Jason Fowlkes, Juekuan Yang, DongyanXu, Yunfei Chen, Terry T. Xu, and Deyu Li, Defect Facilitated Phonon Transportthrough Kinks in Boron Carbide Nanowires, Nano Letters 17, 3550-3555 (2017).
[9]. Zhiyong Wei, GeoffWehmeyer, Chris Dames and Yunfei Chen, Geometric Tuning of Thermal Conductivityin Three-dimensional Anisotropic Phononic Crystals, Nanoscale 8, 16612 (2016)
[10]. Zhiyong Wei,Juekuan Yang, Kedong Bi, and Yunfei Chen, Mode Dependent Lattice ThermalConductivity of Single Layer Graphene, Journal of Applied Physics 116, 153503(2014).
[11]. Zhiyong Wei,Juekuan Yang, Weiyu Chen, Kedong Bi, Deyu Li, and Yunfei Chen, Phonon Mean FreePath of Graphite along the C-axis, Applied Physics Letters 104, 081903 (2014).
[12]. Juekuan Yang, Meng Shen, YangYang, W. J. Evans, Zhiyong Wei, Weiyu Chen, A. A. Zinn, YunfeiChen, R. Prasher, T. T. Xu, P. Keblinski, and Deyu Li, Phonon Transport throughPoint Contacts between Graphitic Nanomaterials, Physical Review Letters 112,205901 (2014).
[13]. Zhiyong Wei, YunfeiChen, and Chris Dames, Negative Correlation between In-plane Bonding Strengthand Cross-plane Thermal Conductivity in a Model Layered Material, AppliedPhysics Letters 102, 011901 (2013).
[14]. Zhen Chen, Zhiyong Wei,Yunfei Chen, and Chris Dames, Anisotropic Debye Model for the Thermal BoundaryConductance, Physical Review B 87, 125426 (2013).
[15].Zhiyong Wei, Zhonghua Ni, Kedong Bi, Minhua Chen, and YunfeiChen, In-plane Lattice Thermal Conductivities of Multilayer Graphene Films,Carbon 49, 2653 (2011).
项目名称 | 项目类别 | 项目时间 | 工作类别 | 项目金额 |
基于金属半导体超晶格热离子发射制冷器微尺度热输运问题的理论和实验研究 | 国家自然科学基金 | 2015.1~2017.12 | 主持 | 25万 |
高性能热界面材料基础研究子课题 | 国家重点研发计划 | 2017.7~2021.7 | 参与 | 146万 |
基于界面热阻的尺寸效应探讨声子在界面上的输运机制 | 国家自然科学基金 | 2017.1~2020.12 | 参与 | 77万 |
基于企业需求的机械结构热力耦合方针分析的实训教学研究 | 必威betway中文官网面上教改项目 | 2017.7~2019.7 | 主持 | 2万 |
魏志勇,必威西汉姆联官网副教授,博士生导师,江苏省优秀博士论文获得者,唐仲英基金会“仲英青年学者”,是必威betway中文官网和美国加州大学伯克利分校联合培养博士(导师:必威betway中文官网陈云飞教授和加州大学伯克利分校Chris Dames教授),课题组主要研究方向为机械摩擦学与表界面科学,以第一作者或通讯作者在PhysicalReview Letters、Nano Letters、Journalof Applied Physics、ACS Applied Materials &Interfaces、Friction、Carbon等期刊发表学术论文30余篇,Google Scholar 引用1300余次,受邀担任摩擦学领域知名学术期刊Friction 青年编委、江苏省机械工程学会摩擦学分会常务委员,获2018年度国家自然科学二等奖(获奖名称:摩擦界面的声子传递理论与能量耗散模型)和2016年教育部自然科学一等奖(获奖名称:能量在多层膜界面的输运与耗散机理),是中国机械工程学会高级会员、教育部硕士/博士学位论文评审专家和国家自然科学基金通讯评审专家。
[1]. Shuyu Huang#, Zhiyong Wei#, Zaoqi Duan#, Chengdong Sun#,Yongkang Wang, Yi Tao, Yan Zhang, Yajing Kan, Ernst Meyer, Deyu Li*,Yunfei Chen*, A re-examination of damping in sliding friction,Physical Review Letters 132,056203 (2024).
[2]. Zhiyong Wei*, DongHan, Qi Wang, Chengdong Sun, Yi Tao, Li Xiang, Yajing Kan, Yan Zhang, Xi Lu,and Yunfei Chen*, Modulating friction by the phase of the vertical vibrational excitation at washboard frequency, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 15, 45516-45525 (2023).
[3]. Tiantian Tong, Yong Li, Chao Wu,Chaofan Ma, Juekuan Yang, Zhiyong Wei*, Thermal conductivity of single silk fibroin fibers measured from the 3ω method, International Journal of Thermal Sciences 185, 108057 (2023).
[4]. Yun Dong,Yongkang Wang, Zaoqi Duan, Shuyu Huang, Yi Tao, Xi Lu, Yan Zhang, Yajing Kan, Zhiyong Wei*, Deyu Li*, Yunfei Chen*, Phononic origin of structural lubrication, Friction 11, 966–976 (2023).
[5]. Zhiyong Wei*,Li Xiang, Yajing Kan, Yan Zhang, Yunfei Chen*, Effects of the normal load on the excited phonons in atomic friction, Journal of Applied Physics 132,175301 (2022). (Editor’spicks)
[6]. Zaoqi Duan#, Zhiyong Wei#, Shuyu Huang#, Yongkang Wang, Chengdong Sun, Yi Tao,Yun Dong, Juekuan Yang, Yan Zhang, Yajing Kan, Deyu Li*, and YunfeiChen*, Resonance in atomic-scale sliding friction, Nano Letters 21, 4615-4621 (2021).
[7].Zhiyong Wei*, WenjingJu, Kedong Bi, Juekuan Yang, Yunfei Chen*, Significant enhancement of thermal boundary conductance in graphite/Al interface by ion intercalation, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 157, 119946(2020).
[8]. Zhiyong Wei#,Zaoqi Duan#, Yajing Kan, Yan Zhang, and Yunfei Chen*, Phonon energy dissipation in friction between graphene/graphene interface, Journal of Applied Physics 127, 015105 (2020).
[9]. Yi Tao, Chao Wu, HanQi, Chenhan Liu, Xiongyu Wu, Mengyi Hao, Zhiyong Wei*, Juekuan Yang* and Yunfei Chen*, The enhancement of heat conduction across themetal/graphite interface treated with focused ion beam, Nanoscale 12, 14838-14846(2020).
[10].Zhiyong Wei*, Fan Yang, Kedong Bi, Juekuan Yang, and Yunfei Chen, Tuning the interfacial thermal conductance via the anisotropic elastic properties of graphite, Carbon 144, 109-115 (2019).
[1].ZhiyongWei#, Zaoqi Duan#, Yajing Kan, Yan Zhang, andYunfei Chen*, “Phonon energy dissipation in friction between graphene/grapheneinterface”, Journal of Applied Physics 127, 015105 (2020).
[2]. Yi Tao, Chao Wu, HanQi, Chenhan Liu, Xiongyu Wu, Mengyi Hao, Zhiyong Wei*, JuekuanYang* and Yunfei Chen*, “The Enhancement of Heat Conduction Acrossthe Metal/Graphite Interface Treated with Focused Ion Beam”, Nanoscale,12,14838-14846(2020).
[3]. Zhiyong Wei*, Wenjing Ju, Kedong Bi, JuekuanYang, Yunfei Chen*, “Significant enhancement of thermal boundary conductance ingraphite/Al interface by ion intercalation”, International Journal of Heat andMass Transfer, 157, 119946 (2020).
[4]. Zhiyong Wei, FanYang, Kedong Bi, Juekuan Yang, and Yunfei Chen, Tuning the Interfacial ThermalConductance via the Anisotropic Elastic Properties of Graphite, Carbon 144,109-115 (2019).
[5]. Zhiyong Wei, YajingKan, Yan Zhang, and Yunfei Chen, The Frictional Energy Dissipation andInterfacial Heat Conduction in the Sliding Interface, AIP Advances 8, 115321(2018).
[6]. Zhiyong Wei, FanYang, Kedong Bi, Juekuan Yang, and Yunfei Chen, Tunable Anisotropic ThermalConductivity and Elastic Properties in Intercalated Graphite via Lithium Ions,Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122, 1447 (2018).
[7]. Zhiyong Wei, FanYang, Kedong Bi, Juekuan Yang, and Yunfei Chen, Thermal Transport Properties ofAll-sp2 Three-dimensional Graphene: Anisotropy, Size and Pressure effects,Carbon 113, 212 (2017).
[8]. Qian Zhang#, ZhiguangCui#, Zhiyong Wei, Siang Yee Chang, Lin Yang, YangZhao, Yang Yang, Zhe Guan, Youfei Jiang, Jason Fowlkes, Juekuan Yang, DongyanXu, Yunfei Chen, Terry T. Xu, and Deyu Li, Defect Facilitated Phonon Transportthrough Kinks in Boron Carbide Nanowires, Nano Letters 17, 3550-3555 (2017).
[9]. Zhiyong Wei, GeoffWehmeyer, Chris Dames and Yunfei Chen, Geometric Tuning of Thermal Conductivityin Three-dimensional Anisotropic Phononic Crystals, Nanoscale 8, 16612 (2016)
[10]. Zhiyong Wei,Juekuan Yang, Kedong Bi, and Yunfei Chen, Mode Dependent Lattice ThermalConductivity of Single Layer Graphene, Journal of Applied Physics 116, 153503(2014).
[11]. Zhiyong Wei,Juekuan Yang, Weiyu Chen, Kedong Bi, Deyu Li, and Yunfei Chen, Phonon Mean FreePath of Graphite along the C-axis, Applied Physics Letters 104, 081903 (2014).
[12]. Juekuan Yang, Meng Shen, YangYang, W. J. Evans, Zhiyong Wei, Weiyu Chen, A. A. Zinn, YunfeiChen, R. Prasher, T. T. Xu, P. Keblinski, and Deyu Li, Phonon Transport throughPoint Contacts between Graphitic Nanomaterials, Physical Review Letters 112,205901 (2014).
[13]. Zhiyong Wei, YunfeiChen, and Chris Dames, Negative Correlation between In-plane Bonding Strengthand Cross-plane Thermal Conductivity in a Model Layered Material, AppliedPhysics Letters 102, 011901 (2013).
[14]. Zhen Chen, Zhiyong Wei,Yunfei Chen, and Chris Dames, Anisotropic Debye Model for the Thermal BoundaryConductance, Physical Review B 87, 125426 (2013).
[15].Zhiyong Wei, Zhonghua Ni, Kedong Bi, Minhua Chen, and YunfeiChen, In-plane Lattice Thermal Conductivities of Multilayer Graphene Films,Carbon 49, 2653 (2011).
项目名称 | 项目类别 | 项目时间 | 工作类别 | 项目金额 |
基于金属半导体超晶格热离子发射制冷器微尺度热输运问题的理论和实验研究 | 国家自然科学基金 | 2015.1~2017.12 | 主持 | 25万 |
高性能热界面材料基础研究子课题 | 国家重点研发计划 | 2017.7~2021.7 | 参与 | 146万 |
基于界面热阻的尺寸效应探讨声子在界面上的输运机制 | 国家自然科学基金 | 2017.1~2020.12 | 参与 | 77万 |
基于企业需求的机械结构热力耦合方针分析的实训教学研究 | 必威betway中文官网面上教改项目 | 2017.7~2019.7 | 主持 | 2万 |