长期从事工业互联网、工业大数据、装备智能技术等领域的研究,在ASME期刊、Micromachines、International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology、International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing等发表论文100余篇,建立了工业互联网的框架体系,提出了非同位系统控制理论、复杂制造系统的数据融合方法、装备故障诊断与预测理论。
1985.5–1988.9 必威betway中文官网 讲师
1992.6–1996.6 美国高效摩擦公司(美)高级工程师,经理,研发部主任
1996.6–2004.3 美国通信信息软件公司(美)研发部主任、副总裁
2004.4–2010.12 美国奔特力系统公司通信产品事业部经理
2011.1–2015.1 江苏通软科技有限公司(南京通软信息技术有限公司)董事长
2015.2–2018.1 盐城工学院 二级教授
2017.1–现在 江苏省高档数控机床与成套装备创新中心主任、必威betway中文官网教授
2017年5月 江苏省“五一”劳动荣誉奖章
1995年8月 世界名人录(Who’s Who Registery)
1. 夏志杰,《工业互联网:体系与技术》,机械工业出版社 2018年1月ISBN978-7-111-58167-3。
2. Han Sun, YuanYang, Jiachuan Yu, Zhisheng Zhang, ZhijieXia, Jianxiong Zhu , Hui Zhang, Artificial Intelligence of ManufacturingRobotics Health Monitoring System by Semantic Modeling, Micromachines, v 13, n 2, 2022,13(2),300.
3. Jiachuan Yu, Yuan Yang, Hui Zhang, Han Sun, Zhisheng Zhang, Zhijie Xia, Jianxiong Zhu, Min Dai,Haiying Wen,Spectrum Analysis EnabledPeriodic Feature Reconstruction Based Automatic Defect Detection System forElectroluminescence Images of Photovoltaic Modules,Micromachines, 2022, 13(2), 332.
4. Zhijie Xia, Feng Ye, Min Dai,, Zhisheng Zhang,Real-time fault detection and process control based on multi-channelsensor data fusion,The International Journal ofAdvanced Manufacturing Technology,2021, Vol.115, 795–806.
5. Qiang, Wang, Hui, Zhang; Zhisheng, Zhang; Zhijie, Xia, “A new method for polygon detection based onclustering”, 2021 6th International Conference on Image, Vision and Computing,ICIVC 2021, July 2021, 31-35.
6. Yuhang Tang, Hui Zhang, Zhisheng Zhang, and Zhijie Xia,Aesthetic Evaluation of Text Superposition Based on Balance andSymmetry,Proceedings of the AHFE 2021 VirtualConferences on Ergonomics in Design, July, 2021, 838–846.
7. Pengcheng Bai, Zhisheng Zhang, and Zhijie Xia,KanseiEngineering for the Back Color of Mobile Phone,Proceedingsof the AHFE 2021 Virtual Conferences on Human Factors in Software and SystemsEngineering, Artificial Intelligence and Social Computing and Energy, July,2021, 1094–1101.
8. Xu Zhan, Zhisheng Zhang, and Zhijie Xia, A Complex Form Design to Improve the Efficiency and EmotionalExperience During Information Entry, Proceedings of theAHFE 2021 Virtual Conferences on Human Factors in Software and SystemsEngineering, Artificial Intelligence and Social Computing and Energy, July,2021, 86–91.
9. Zhang, Hui, Xia, Zhijie;Zhang, Zhisheng, “Focus-tunable imaging analyses of the liquid lens based ondielectric elastomer actuator”, Bulletin of Materials Science, v 44, n 2, June2021,
10. Wang, Changchang, Zhang, Zhisheng, Wen, Haiying, Xia, Zhijie, Bionic Morphology ofDental Articulator for Teaching Based on Topological Theory, Proceedings of TheIEEE 5th Advanced Information Technology, Electronic and Automation ControlConference, March, 2021, pp1521-1525.
11. Ye, Feng, Guo, Yiming, Xia,Zhijie, Zhang, Zhisheng, Zhou, Yifan, Feature extraction and processmonitoring of multi-channel data in a forging process via sensor fusion, InternationalJournal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 2021, v 34, n1, 95-109.
12. Zhang, Hui, Dai, Min, Xia,Zhijie, Zhang, Zhisheng, Computational analyses for tunable solid lensescoupling polyacrylamide hydrogel electrodes,Bulletin of Materials Science, 2021, v 44, n 2.
13. Guo, Yiming, Zhang, Hui, Xia,Zhijie, Dong, Chang, Zhang, Zhisheng, Zhou, Yifan, Sun, Han, An improveddeep convolution neural network for predicting the remaining useful life ofrolling bearings, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, v 40, n 3, 5743-5751,2021.
14. Qiang, Li,Zhijie, Xia; Zhisheng, Zhang,“ A Feature Selection Method Based on Variable Weight in Fault Isolation”, 2021International Conference on Computer, Control and Robotics, ICCCR 2021, January,2021, 256-261.
15. Shupei, Li, Hui, Zhang; Zhisheng, Zhang; Zhijie, Xia, “A New Method for Polygon Detection Based on HoughParameter Space and USAN Region”, 2020 IEEE 5th International Conference onImage, Vision and Computing, ICIVC 202, July 20200, 44-49.
16. Duan, Dini, Zhang, Zhisheng, Liu, Hao, Xia, Zhijie, Multi-channel Interaction Design and Implementation ofMedical Pendant Based on Virtual Reality Technology, Lecture Notes in ComputerScience (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence andLecture Notes in Bioinformatics), v 12191 LNCS, 373-384, 2020.
17. Wang, Rui, Zhang, Zhisheng, Xia,Zhijie, Miao, Jindan, Guo, Yiming, A new approach for rolling bearing faultdiagnosis based on EEMD hierarchical entropy and improved CS-SVM, 2019Prognostics and System Health Management Conference, PHM-Qingdao 2019.
18. Feng Ye, Zhisheng Zhang,Zhijie Xia, Yifan Zhou and Hui Zhang, Monitoring and diagnosis ofmulti-channel profile data based on uncorrelated multilinear discriminantanalysis, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,2019,Vol. 103, Issue 9–12, 4659–4669.
19. Yiming Guo, Zhijie Xia,Zhisheng Zhang and Mengze SUN,A Multi-sensor BigData fusion Method in Quality Prediction of the Plasma Enhanced ChemicalVaporDeposition Process, Proceedings of The 3rd International Conference on Big DataResearch, ICBDR 2019, Paris, France, Aug. 2019, pp24-30.
20. Zhijie Xia, The Development of Industry Internet, ICMME 2018 - 2018 The5th International Conference on Mechatronics and Mechanical Engineering (ICMME2018) ,Keynote Speech, Wuhan, Nov. 11-12, 2018.
21. 夏志杰,工业互联网的体系框架与关键技术,中国机械工程,2018,29(10),pp1248-1259.
22. Fang Jia, FengyuXu, Hang Zhou, Defeng, Zhang,Zhijie Xia, Optimizationand simulation of the operational motion of a pantograph: Uplift and retraction,Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2017,v 31, n 1, 41-52.
23. Fang Jia, Fengyu Xu, ZhijieXia, Hang Zhou and Defeng Zhang, Fatigue properties of thepantograph–insulator system of metro trains: Experiments and the design forimprovement, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 30 (10) (2016), pp.4549~4558.
24. Fang Jia, FengyuXu, ZhijieXia, Hang Zhou, Defeng, Zhang. Fatigue Properties of the Pantograph-InsulatorSystem of Metro Trains: Experiments and the Design for Improvement [J]. Journalof Mechanical Science and Technology. 2016, 30(10): 4549-4558
25. Jack ZhijieXia,Chia-Hsiang Menq, Precision tracking control of non-minimumphase systems with zero phase error, International Journal of Control, 1995, Vol.61, Issue 4, pp. 791-807.
26. Jack ZhijieXia,Chia-Hsiang Menq, Real Time Estimation of Elastic Deformationfor End-Point Tracking Control of Flexible Two-Link Manipulators, ASME Journalof Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 1993,Vol. 115, Issue 9, pp. 385-399.
27. Chia-Hsiang Menq and JackZhijie Xia, Experiments on the Tracking Control of a Flexible One-LinkManipulator, ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 1993,Vol. 115, Issue 2A, pp. 306-308.
28. Chia-Hsiang Menq and JackZhijie Xia, Characterization and compensation of discrete-timenon-minimum-phase systems for precision tracking control, International Journalof Systems Science,1993, Vol. 24, Issue 6, pp. 1189 – 1205.
29. Xia,Zhijie, A New Approach to the Kineto-Elasto-Dynamic Analysis ofRobotic Manipulators, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Systems,Man and Cybernetics, 1988, pp. 98-102.
30. Xia, Zhijie, Modeling and Control of Flexible Manipulators, Ph.D.dissertation, 1992, The Ohio State University.
1. 2019年工信部支撑机器人等重点领域创新成果产业化的公共服务平台建设项目,经费1亿元,主持,在研。
2. 数控机床智能化共性技术研发(2020年江苏省省级工业和信息产业转型升级重大项目),经费5000万元。主持,结题。
专利号 专利名称
201910573286.5 针对数控机床上传感器采集数据的建模系统及其方法
201910573293.5 基于数控机床上传感器数据的故障预测系统及其方法
202011056576.1 一种车间信息物理监控管理系统
201911083684.5 一种低惯量高刚度绳索驱动直线运动装置
202010966476.6 一种可变焦液体透镜及其设计方法和制作方法
202010967813.3 一种电驱动片型可变焦镜头机器设计方法和制作方法
201821825945.7 一种控制磨床上刀具的装置
201821826396.5 一种刀具主轴振动测量装置
202023340549.5 一种便于拆装的工业机器人用温度传感装置
202023348039.2 一种工业机器人用故障诊断装置
202011454281.X 一种球形水果的气柱袋包装机
长期从事工业互联网、工业大数据、装备智能技术等领域的研究,在ASME期刊、Micromachines、International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology、International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing等发表论文100余篇,建立了工业互联网的框架体系,提出了非同位系统控制理论、复杂制造系统的数据融合方法、装备故障诊断与预测理论。
1. 夏志杰,《工业互联网:体系与技术》,机械工业出版社 2018年1月ISBN978-7-111-58167-3。
2. Han Sun, YuanYang, Jiachuan Yu, Zhisheng Zhang, ZhijieXia, Jianxiong Zhu , Hui Zhang, Artificial Intelligence of ManufacturingRobotics Health Monitoring System by Semantic Modeling, Micromachines, v 13, n 2, 2022,13(2),300.
3. Jiachuan Yu, Yuan Yang, Hui Zhang, Han Sun, Zhisheng Zhang, Zhijie Xia, Jianxiong Zhu, Min Dai,Haiying Wen,Spectrum Analysis EnabledPeriodic Feature Reconstruction Based Automatic Defect Detection System forElectroluminescence Images of Photovoltaic Modules,Micromachines, 2022, 13(2), 332.
4. Zhijie Xia, Feng Ye, Min Dai,, Zhisheng Zhang,Real-time fault detection and process control based on multi-channelsensor data fusion,The International Journal ofAdvanced Manufacturing Technology,2021, Vol.115, 795–806.
5. Qiang, Wang, Hui, Zhang; Zhisheng, Zhang; Zhijie, Xia, “A new method for polygon detection based onclustering”, 2021 6th International Conference on Image, Vision and Computing,ICIVC 2021, July 2021, 31-35.
6. Yuhang Tang, Hui Zhang, Zhisheng Zhang, and Zhijie Xia,Aesthetic Evaluation of Text Superposition Based on Balance andSymmetry,Proceedings of the AHFE 2021 VirtualConferences on Ergonomics in Design, July, 2021, 838–846.
7. Pengcheng Bai, Zhisheng Zhang, and Zhijie Xia,KanseiEngineering for the Back Color of Mobile Phone,Proceedingsof the AHFE 2021 Virtual Conferences on Human Factors in Software and SystemsEngineering, Artificial Intelligence and Social Computing and Energy, July,2021, 1094–1101.
8. Xu Zhan, Zhisheng Zhang, and Zhijie Xia, A Complex Form Design to Improve the Efficiency and EmotionalExperience During Information Entry, Proceedings of theAHFE 2021 Virtual Conferences on Human Factors in Software and SystemsEngineering, Artificial Intelligence and Social Computing and Energy, July,2021, 86–91.
9. Zhang, Hui, Xia, Zhijie;Zhang, Zhisheng, “Focus-tunable imaging analyses of the liquid lens based ondielectric elastomer actuator”, Bulletin of Materials Science, v 44, n 2, June2021,
10. Wang, Changchang, Zhang, Zhisheng, Wen, Haiying, Xia, Zhijie, Bionic Morphology ofDental Articulator for Teaching Based on Topological Theory, Proceedings of TheIEEE 5th Advanced Information Technology, Electronic and Automation ControlConference, March, 2021, pp1521-1525.
11. Ye, Feng, Guo, Yiming, Xia,Zhijie, Zhang, Zhisheng, Zhou, Yifan, Feature extraction and processmonitoring of multi-channel data in a forging process via sensor fusion, InternationalJournal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 2021, v 34, n1, 95-109.
12. Zhang, Hui, Dai, Min, Xia,Zhijie, Zhang, Zhisheng, Computational analyses for tunable solid lensescoupling polyacrylamide hydrogel electrodes,Bulletin of Materials Science, 2021, v 44, n 2.
13. Guo, Yiming, Zhang, Hui, Xia,Zhijie, Dong, Chang, Zhang, Zhisheng, Zhou, Yifan, Sun, Han, An improveddeep convolution neural network for predicting the remaining useful life ofrolling bearings, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, v 40, n 3, 5743-5751,2021.
14. Qiang, Li,Zhijie, Xia; Zhisheng, Zhang,“ A Feature Selection Method Based on Variable Weight in Fault Isolation”, 2021International Conference on Computer, Control and Robotics, ICCCR 2021, January,2021, 256-261.
15. Shupei, Li, Hui, Zhang; Zhisheng, Zhang; Zhijie, Xia, “A New Method for Polygon Detection Based on HoughParameter Space and USAN Region”, 2020 IEEE 5th International Conference onImage, Vision and Computing, ICIVC 202, July 20200, 44-49.
16. Duan, Dini, Zhang, Zhisheng, Liu, Hao, Xia, Zhijie, Multi-channel Interaction Design and Implementation ofMedical Pendant Based on Virtual Reality Technology, Lecture Notes in ComputerScience (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence andLecture Notes in Bioinformatics), v 12191 LNCS, 373-384, 2020.
17. Wang, Rui, Zhang, Zhisheng, Xia,Zhijie, Miao, Jindan, Guo, Yiming, A new approach for rolling bearing faultdiagnosis based on EEMD hierarchical entropy and improved CS-SVM, 2019Prognostics and System Health Management Conference, PHM-Qingdao 2019.
18. Feng Ye, Zhisheng Zhang,Zhijie Xia, Yifan Zhou and Hui Zhang, Monitoring and diagnosis ofmulti-channel profile data based on uncorrelated multilinear discriminantanalysis, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,2019,Vol. 103, Issue 9–12, 4659–4669.
19. Yiming Guo, Zhijie Xia,Zhisheng Zhang and Mengze SUN,A Multi-sensor BigData fusion Method in Quality Prediction of the Plasma Enhanced ChemicalVaporDeposition Process, Proceedings of The 3rd International Conference on Big DataResearch, ICBDR 2019, Paris, France, Aug. 2019, pp24-30.
20. Zhijie Xia, The Development of Industry Internet, ICMME 2018 - 2018 The5th International Conference on Mechatronics and Mechanical Engineering (ICMME2018) ,Keynote Speech, Wuhan, Nov. 11-12, 2018.
21. 夏志杰,工业互联网的体系框架与关键技术,中国机械工程,2018,29(10),pp1248-1259.
22. Fang Jia, FengyuXu, Hang Zhou, Defeng, Zhang,Zhijie Xia, Optimizationand simulation of the operational motion of a pantograph: Uplift and retraction,Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2017,v 31, n 1, 41-52.
23. Fang Jia, Fengyu Xu, ZhijieXia, Hang Zhou and Defeng Zhang, Fatigue properties of thepantograph–insulator system of metro trains: Experiments and the design forimprovement, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 30 (10) (2016), pp.4549~4558.
24. Fang Jia, FengyuXu, ZhijieXia, Hang Zhou, Defeng, Zhang. Fatigue Properties of the Pantograph-InsulatorSystem of Metro Trains: Experiments and the Design for Improvement [J]. Journalof Mechanical Science and Technology. 2016, 30(10): 4549-4558
25. Jack ZhijieXia,Chia-Hsiang Menq, Precision tracking control of non-minimumphase systems with zero phase error, International Journal of Control, 1995, Vol.61, Issue 4, pp. 791-807.
26. Jack ZhijieXia,Chia-Hsiang Menq, Real Time Estimation of Elastic Deformationfor End-Point Tracking Control of Flexible Two-Link Manipulators, ASME Journalof Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 1993,Vol. 115, Issue 9, pp. 385-399.
27. Chia-Hsiang Menq and JackZhijie Xia, Experiments on the Tracking Control of a Flexible One-LinkManipulator, ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 1993,Vol. 115, Issue 2A, pp. 306-308.
28. Chia-Hsiang Menq and JackZhijie Xia, Characterization and compensation of discrete-timenon-minimum-phase systems for precision tracking control, International Journalof Systems Science,1993, Vol. 24, Issue 6, pp. 1189 – 1205.
29. Xia,Zhijie, A New Approach to the Kineto-Elasto-Dynamic Analysis ofRobotic Manipulators, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Systems,Man and Cybernetics, 1988, pp. 98-102.
30. Xia, Zhijie, Modeling and Control of Flexible Manipulators, Ph.D.dissertation, 1992, The Ohio State University.
1. 2019年工信部支撑机器人等重点领域创新成果产业化的公共服务平台建设项目,经费1亿元,主持,在研。
2. 数控机床智能化共性技术研发(2020年江苏省省级工业和信息产业转型升级重大项目),经费5000万元。主持,结题。
专利号 专利名称
201910573286.5 针对数控机床上传感器采集数据的建模系统及其方法
201910573293.5 基于数控机床上传感器数据的故障预测系统及其方法
202011056576.1 一种车间信息物理监控管理系统
201911083684.5 一种低惯量高刚度绳索驱动直线运动装置
202010966476.6 一种可变焦液体透镜及其设计方法和制作方法
202010967813.3 一种电驱动片型可变焦镜头机器设计方法和制作方法
201821825945.7 一种控制磨床上刀具的装置
201821826396.5 一种刀具主轴振动测量装置
202023340549.5 一种便于拆装的工业机器人用温度传感装置
202023348039.2 一种工业机器人用故障诊断装置
202011454281.X 一种球形水果的气柱袋包装机