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[1] J. Liu, B. Wang, W. Liu, X. Hu, C.Zhang, Z. Zhou, J. Lang, G. Wu, Y. Zhang, J. Yang, Z. Ni, G. Zhao*, Regulating mechanical performance of poly (l-lactideacid) stent by the combined effects of heat and aqueous media, Int J BiolMacromol 242(Pt 4) (2023) 124987.
[2] J. Li, J. Cheng, X. Hu, J. Liu, Y.Tian, G. Wu, L. Chen, Y. Zhang, G. Zhao*,Z. Ni*, A hazardous boundary of Poly(L-lactic acid) braided stent design:Limited elastic deformability of polymer materials, J Mech Behav Biomed Mater138 (2023) 105628.
[3] X. Hu, J. Li, J. Yang, J. Cheng, Y.Zhang, J. Lang, J. Liu, G. Zhao*, Z.Ni*, Focus on the crucial deformation region to adjust the comprehensiveperformance of poly (L-lactic acid) stent, Int J Biol Macromol (2023) 123417.
[4] G.Zhao, B. Wang, X. Li, M. Liu, Y. Tian, J. Zhang, Y. Zhang, J. Cheng, J.Yang, Z. Ni, Evaluation of poly (L-lactic acid) monofilaments with highmechanical performance in vitro degradation, Journal of Materials Science57(11) (2022) 6361-6371.
[5]G. Zhao, S. Ma, X. Li, Y. Tian, G. Wu, Y. Zhang, J. Cheng, Z. Ni, Differentproperties of poly(L-lactic acid) monofilaments and its corresponding braidedsprings after constrained and unconstrained annealing, J Biomater Appl 37(3)(2022) 517-526.
[6]G. Zhao, Q. Liu, Y. Tian, J. Liu, J. Cheng, Z. Ni, Evaluation of mechanicalproperties of poly(L‐lactic acid) braided stents with axial stiffeners, Journalof Applied Polymer Science 139(23) (2022).
[7] G.Zhao, J. Liu, M. Liu, Y. Tian, J. Cheng, W. Liu, Z. Ni, Influence ofparameters on mechanical properties of poly (L-lactic acid) helical stents, JBiomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater 110(7) (2022) 1705-1712.
[8] B. Wang, M. Liu, J. Liu, Y. Tian, W.Liu, G. Wu, J. Cheng, Y. Zhang, G. Zhao*,Z. Ni*, Key Factors of Mechanical Strength and Toughness in OrientedPoly(l-lactic acid) Monofilaments for a Bioresorbable Self-Expanding Stent,Langmuir 38(44) (2022) 13477-13487.
[9] Q. Liu, M. Liu, Y. Tian, J. Cheng, J.Lang, Y. Zhang, G. Zhao*, Z. Ni*,Evaluation of resistance to radial cyclic loads of poly(L-lactic acid) braidedstents with different braiding angles, Int J Biol Macromol 218 (2022) 94-101.
[10] M. Liu, Y. Tian, J. Cheng, Y. Zhang, G. Zhao*, Z. Ni*, Mixed-braided stent:An effective way to improve comprehensive mechanical properties of poly(L-lactic acid) self-expandable braided stent, J Mech Behav Biomed Mater 128(2022) 105123.
[11] D. Deng, Y. Tian, M. Liu, J. Cheng,G. Wu, Y. Zhang, G. Zhao*, Z. Ni*,Enhanced mechanical properties of poly(L‐lactide) braided stent with six‐arm poly(L‐lactide‐co‐ε‐caprolactone)coating cross‐linked by hexamethylene diisocyanate, Polymers for AdvancedTechnologies 33(7) (2022) 2176-2183.
[12] G.Zhao, B. Wang, M. Liu, Y. Tian, G. Wu, Y. Zhang, J. Cheng, Z. Ni, A studyof the radial and bending performance for poly (L‐lactic acid) braided stentswith innovative runners, Polymers for Advanced Technologies 32(12) (2021)4690-4699.
[13] G.Zhao, M. Liu, D. Deng, Y. Tian, J. Cheng, G. Wu, Y. Zhang, Z. Ni, Effectsof constraint between filaments on the radial compression properties of poly(l-lactic acid) self-expandable braided stents, Polymer Testing 93 (2021).
[14]G. Zhao, X. Li, Y. Tian, G. Wu, Y. Zhang, W. Jiang, J. Yang, Z. Ni,Poly(l-lactic acid) monofilaments for biodegradable braided self-expandingstent, Journal of Materials Science 56(21) (2021) 12383-12393.
[15] Y. Tian, M. Liu, W. Liu, J. Cheng, G. Zhao, Preparation of a poly(L-lacticacid) braided stent with high radial force, Journal of Physics: ConferenceSeries 1885(3) (2021).
[16] Y. Tian, M. Liu, W. Liu, J. Cheng, G.Wu, T. Han, Y. Zhang, G. Zhao*, Z.Ni*, Effects of annealing temperature on both radial supporting performance andaxial flexibility of poly(L‐lactic acid) braided stents, Journal of AppliedPolymer Science 138(22) (2021).
[17] X. Li, Y. Tian, J. Zhang, J. Cheng,G. Wu, Y. Zhang, G. Zhao*, Z. Ni*,Effects of annealing constraint methods on poly(L‐lactic acid) monofilamentsfor application in stents annealing, Polymers for Advanced Technologies 32(6)(2021) 2378-2385.
[18] J. Cheng, J. Li, D. Deng, G. Wu, M.Zhou, G. Zhao*, Z. Ni*, Improvedmechanical properties of poly(l ‐lactic acid) stent coated by poly( D ,l‐lactic acid) and poly( l‐lactic‐co‐glycolic acid) biopolymer blend, Polymersfor Advanced Technologies 33(4) (2021) 1109-1115.
[19] Y. Tian, J. Zhang, J. Cheng, G. Wu,Y. Zhang, Z. Ni, G. Zhao*, Apoly(L‐lactic acid) monofilament with high mechanical properties forapplication in biodegradable biliary stents, Journal of Applied Polymer Science138(2) (2020).
[20] F. Li, X. Li, R. He, J. Cheng, Z. Ni,G. Zhao*, Preparation and evaluationof poly(D, L-lactic acid)/poly(L-lactide-co-ε-caprolactone) blends for tunablesirolimus release, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and EngineeringAspects 590 (2020).
[21] R. Hua, Y. Tian, J. Cheng, G. Wu, W.Jiang, Z. Ni, G. Zhao*, The effectof intrinsic characteristics on mechanical properties of poly(l-lactic acid)bioresorbable vascular stents, Med Eng Phys 81 (2020) 118-124.
[22] F. Li, Y. Gu, R. Hua, Z. Ni, G. Zhao*, In vitro release study ofsirolimus from a PDLLA matrix on a bioresorbable drug-eluting stent, Journal ofDrug Delivery Science and Technology 48 (2018) 88-95.
[2] 企业委托重点研发项目、新型全生物可降解颅内激光雕刻球扩式支架研发、2020/4-2022年,200万元。项目负责人。
[3] 企业委托重点研发项目、新型全生物可降解支架用管材二次成型设备研发、2020/4-2022年,150万元。项目负责人。
[4] 企业委托重点研发项目,2015320001010532,新型生物可降解冠脉血管支架研发,2015/2-2018/12,700万元。项目第二负责人。
[5] 南京市产学研项目,201722001,新型冠脉支架的开发与应用研究,2017/9-2020/12,250万元。项目第二负责人。
[6] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,51775107,基于连续损伤理论的生物可降解支架降解力学行为优化与测试方法研究,2018/1-2021/12,55万元,参与。
[1] 一种微尺度下聚合物材料力学性能测试装置,赵古田、倪中华、程洁、李鑫、张敬,公开号:CN110220801A
[2] 一种用于医用聚合物材料力学性能测试的专用夹具,赵古田、倪中华、程洁、张敬、田原、李松华,授权公告号:CN108956282B
[3] 一种用于血管支架观测的夹具平台,赵古田、倪中华、程洁、李凤芹、顾益庆,授权公告号:CN108931187B
[4] 一种面向生物可降解支架显影点的自动装配系统,倪中华、赵古田、程洁、张天宇,授权公告号:CN108608186B
[5] 一种颅内可降解支架及其制备/使用方法,陈鹤、赵古田、张伶、牛朗、胡雪,公开号:CN112315632A
[6] 一种全覆膜可降解脑血管支架及其制备方法,赵古田、倪中华、田原、程洁,专利号:CN112402081A
[1] J. Liu, B. Wang, W. Liu, X. Hu, C.Zhang, Z. Zhou, J. Lang, G. Wu, Y. Zhang, J. Yang, Z. Ni, G. Zhao*, Regulating mechanical performance of poly (l-lactideacid) stent by the combined effects of heat and aqueous media, Int J BiolMacromol 242(Pt 4) (2023) 124987.
[2] J. Li, J. Cheng, X. Hu, J. Liu, Y.Tian, G. Wu, L. Chen, Y. Zhang, G. Zhao*,Z. Ni*, A hazardous boundary of Poly(L-lactic acid) braided stent design:Limited elastic deformability of polymer materials, J Mech Behav Biomed Mater138 (2023) 105628.
[3] X. Hu, J. Li, J. Yang, J. Cheng, Y.Zhang, J. Lang, J. Liu, G. Zhao*, Z.Ni*, Focus on the crucial deformation region to adjust the comprehensiveperformance of poly (L-lactic acid) stent, Int J Biol Macromol (2023) 123417.
[4] G.Zhao, B. Wang, X. Li, M. Liu, Y. Tian, J. Zhang, Y. Zhang, J. Cheng, J.Yang, Z. Ni, Evaluation of poly (L-lactic acid) monofilaments with highmechanical performance in vitro degradation, Journal of Materials Science57(11) (2022) 6361-6371.
[5]G. Zhao, S. Ma, X. Li, Y. Tian, G. Wu, Y. Zhang, J. Cheng, Z. Ni, Differentproperties of poly(L-lactic acid) monofilaments and its corresponding braidedsprings after constrained and unconstrained annealing, J Biomater Appl 37(3)(2022) 517-526.
[6]G. Zhao, Q. Liu, Y. Tian, J. Liu, J. Cheng, Z. Ni, Evaluation of mechanicalproperties of poly(L‐lactic acid) braided stents with axial stiffeners, Journalof Applied Polymer Science 139(23) (2022).
[7] G.Zhao, J. Liu, M. Liu, Y. Tian, J. Cheng, W. Liu, Z. Ni, Influence ofparameters on mechanical properties of poly (L-lactic acid) helical stents, JBiomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater 110(7) (2022) 1705-1712.
[8] B. Wang, M. Liu, J. Liu, Y. Tian, W.Liu, G. Wu, J. Cheng, Y. Zhang, G. Zhao*,Z. Ni*, Key Factors of Mechanical Strength and Toughness in OrientedPoly(l-lactic acid) Monofilaments for a Bioresorbable Self-Expanding Stent,Langmuir 38(44) (2022) 13477-13487.
[9] Q. Liu, M. Liu, Y. Tian, J. Cheng, J.Lang, Y. Zhang, G. Zhao*, Z. Ni*,Evaluation of resistance to radial cyclic loads of poly(L-lactic acid) braidedstents with different braiding angles, Int J Biol Macromol 218 (2022) 94-101.
[10] M. Liu, Y. Tian, J. Cheng, Y. Zhang, G. Zhao*, Z. Ni*, Mixed-braided stent:An effective way to improve comprehensive mechanical properties of poly(L-lactic acid) self-expandable braided stent, J Mech Behav Biomed Mater 128(2022) 105123.
[11] D. Deng, Y. Tian, M. Liu, J. Cheng,G. Wu, Y. Zhang, G. Zhao*, Z. Ni*,Enhanced mechanical properties of poly(L‐lactide) braided stent with six‐arm poly(L‐lactide‐co‐ε‐caprolactone)coating cross‐linked by hexamethylene diisocyanate, Polymers for AdvancedTechnologies 33(7) (2022) 2176-2183.
[12] G.Zhao, B. Wang, M. Liu, Y. Tian, G. Wu, Y. Zhang, J. Cheng, Z. Ni, A studyof the radial and bending performance for poly (L‐lactic acid) braided stentswith innovative runners, Polymers for Advanced Technologies 32(12) (2021)4690-4699.
[13] G.Zhao, M. Liu, D. Deng, Y. Tian, J. Cheng, G. Wu, Y. Zhang, Z. Ni, Effectsof constraint between filaments on the radial compression properties of poly(l-lactic acid) self-expandable braided stents, Polymer Testing 93 (2021).
[14]G. Zhao, X. Li, Y. Tian, G. Wu, Y. Zhang, W. Jiang, J. Yang, Z. Ni,Poly(l-lactic acid) monofilaments for biodegradable braided self-expandingstent, Journal of Materials Science 56(21) (2021) 12383-12393.
[15] Y. Tian, M. Liu, W. Liu, J. Cheng, G. Zhao, Preparation of a poly(L-lacticacid) braided stent with high radial force, Journal of Physics: ConferenceSeries 1885(3) (2021).
[16] Y. Tian, M. Liu, W. Liu, J. Cheng, G.Wu, T. Han, Y. Zhang, G. Zhao*, Z.Ni*, Effects of annealing temperature on both radial supporting performance andaxial flexibility of poly(L‐lactic acid) braided stents, Journal of AppliedPolymer Science 138(22) (2021).
[17] X. Li, Y. Tian, J. Zhang, J. Cheng,G. Wu, Y. Zhang, G. Zhao*, Z. Ni*,Effects of annealing constraint methods on poly(L‐lactic acid) monofilamentsfor application in stents annealing, Polymers for Advanced Technologies 32(6)(2021) 2378-2385.
[18] J. Cheng, J. Li, D. Deng, G. Wu, M.Zhou, G. Zhao*, Z. Ni*, Improvedmechanical properties of poly(l ‐lactic acid) stent coated by poly( D ,l‐lactic acid) and poly( l‐lactic‐co‐glycolic acid) biopolymer blend, Polymersfor Advanced Technologies 33(4) (2021) 1109-1115.
[19] Y. Tian, J. Zhang, J. Cheng, G. Wu,Y. Zhang, Z. Ni, G. Zhao*, Apoly(L‐lactic acid) monofilament with high mechanical properties forapplication in biodegradable biliary stents, Journal of Applied Polymer Science138(2) (2020).
[20] F. Li, X. Li, R. He, J. Cheng, Z. Ni,G. Zhao*, Preparation and evaluationof poly(D, L-lactic acid)/poly(L-lactide-co-ε-caprolactone) blends for tunablesirolimus release, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and EngineeringAspects 590 (2020).
[21] R. Hua, Y. Tian, J. Cheng, G. Wu, W.Jiang, Z. Ni, G. Zhao*, The effectof intrinsic characteristics on mechanical properties of poly(l-lactic acid)bioresorbable vascular stents, Med Eng Phys 81 (2020) 118-124.
[22] F. Li, Y. Gu, R. Hua, Z. Ni, G. Zhao*, In vitro release study ofsirolimus from a PDLLA matrix on a bioresorbable drug-eluting stent, Journal ofDrug Delivery Science and Technology 48 (2018) 88-95.
[2] 企业委托重点研发项目、新型全生物可降解颅内激光雕刻球扩式支架研发、2020/4-2022年,200万元。项目负责人。
[3] 企业委托重点研发项目、新型全生物可降解支架用管材二次成型设备研发、2020/4-2022年,150万元。项目负责人。
[4] 企业委托重点研发项目,2015320001010532,新型生物可降解冠脉血管支架研发,2015/2-2018/12,700万元。项目第二负责人。
[5] 南京市产学研项目,201722001,新型冠脉支架的开发与应用研究,2017/9-2020/12,250万元。项目第二负责人。
[6] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,51775107,基于连续损伤理论的生物可降解支架降解力学行为优化与测试方法研究,2018/1-2021/12,55万元,参与。
[1] 一种微尺度下聚合物材料力学性能测试装置,赵古田、倪中华、程洁、李鑫、张敬,公开号:CN110220801A
[2] 一种用于医用聚合物材料力学性能测试的专用夹具,赵古田、倪中华、程洁、张敬、田原、李松华,授权公告号:CN108956282B
[3] 一种用于血管支架观测的夹具平台,赵古田、倪中华、程洁、李凤芹、顾益庆,授权公告号:CN108931187B
[4] 一种面向生物可降解支架显影点的自动装配系统,倪中华、赵古田、程洁、张天宇,授权公告号:CN108608186B
[5] 一种颅内可降解支架及其制备/使用方法,陈鹤、赵古田、张伶、牛朗、胡雪,公开号:CN112315632A
[6] 一种全覆膜可降解脑血管支架及其制备方法,赵古田、倪中华、田原、程洁,专利号:CN112402081A