









Drones》;Agriculture》;Mathematics》;Applied Sciences》;《Inventions》;Sensors》;Materials

(1) Guest Editor for [Materials] Special Issue.

(2) IEEE International Conference Session Chair. 


(1)2022 International Conference on Advanced Sensing and Smart Manufacturing (ASSM2022). BEST ORAL PRESENTATION AWARD.

(2) 2022中国·淮安创新创业大赛技术难题挑战赛:优胜奖.

(3) 2022第十三届中国创造学会创造成果奖:一等奖.



[1]Hui Zhang*, Jianxiong Zhu,HaiyingWen, Zhijie Xia,ZhishengZhang*. Biomimetic human eyes inadaptivelenses with conductive gels[J]. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior ofBiomedical Materials, 2023, 139:105689. (SCI)

[2] Zhang, H; Xia, ZJ; Zhang, ZS*; Zhu, JX*. Miniatureand tunable high voltage-driven soft electroactive biconvexlenses for optical visual identification. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2022, 32(6):064004. (SCI)

[3] Hui Zhang*, ZhihengLi, YukunXie,ZhijieXia, ZhishengZhang. Focus-tunable imaging analyses of the liquid lens based on dielectric elastomer actuator [J]. Bulletin ofMaterials Science, 2021, 44(2):148. (SCI)

[4]Hui Zhang*, Min Dai, ZhijieXia, ZhishengZhang. Computational analyses for tunable solid lenses coupling polyacrylamide hydrogel electrodes[J]. Bulletin of MaterialsScience, 2021, 44(2):78. (SCI)

[5]Zhang H,Zhou Y F, Dai M, Zhang Z S*. Anovel flying robot systemdrivenby dielectric elastomer balloon actuators[J]. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems&Structures, 2018, 29(11): 2522-2527. (SCI)

[6] Zhang H, Dai M,Zhang Z S. The analysis of transparent dielectric elastomer actuators for lens[J].Optik, 2019, 178:841-845. (SCI)

[7] Hui Zhang, MinDai, Zhisheng Zhang. Application of viscoelasticity to nonlinear analyses ofcircular and spherical dielectric elastomers[J]. AIP Advances, 2019, 9(4): 045010-1--045010-5. (SCI)

[8] Zhang H, WangY, Godaba H, et al. Harnessing Dielectric Breakdown of Dielectric Elastomer toAchieve Large Actuation[J]. Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2017, 84(12): 121011. (SCI)

[9] YimingGuo, Hui Zhang, Chang Dong, Zhisheng Zhang*, Yifan Zhou, Han Sun. AnImproved Deep Convolution Neural Network for Predicting the Remaining UsefulLife of Rolling Bearings[J]. Journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems,2020, 40(11):1-9. (SCI)

[10] JianxiongZhu*, Haiying Wen,Yingjie Fan, XiuliYang*, Hui Zhang*, WenyuWu, YijunZhou, Haibing Hu. Recent Advances in Gas andEnvironmental Sensing: From Micro/nano to the Eraof  Self-powered and Artificial Intelligent (AI) –enabled device. Microchemical Journal, 2022, 181: 107833. (SCI)

[11] Yu, Jiachuan#; Yang, Yuan#; Zhang, Hui; Sun, Han; Zhang, Zhisheng*; Xia, Zhijie; ZhuJianxiong*; Dai, Min; WenHaiyingSpectrum Analysis Enabled Periodic Feature Reconstruction Based Automatic Defect Detection System for Electrolumine scence Images of Photovoltaic Modules. Micromachines; 2022,13(2):332. (SCI)


[1] 温海营,戴敏,张慧,张志胜*,于继勇.含被动高副的冗余驱动并联机器人化设计[J]. 机器人,2021,43(6):694-705. (EI)

[2] Zhang H, DaiMin, Zhang Zhisheng, Xia Zhijie. Analytical models for circular and sphericaldielectric elastomers. Journal ofSoutheast University, 2019, 35(2). (EI)

[3]  Zhang H, WangY, Zhu J, et al. Balloon actuators based on the dielectric elastomer, IndustrialTechnology. IEEE International Conferenceon Industrial Technology, 2017, 654-658. (EI)

[4]  Zhang Hui, ZhangZhisheng. Phase Transitions of Dielectric Elastomers in a Circular Frame. Journal of Southeast University, 2017,33(4). (EI)

[5]  Zhang H, Ni ZF, Li Q Z. A Fine Atomization CMP Slurry for Copper, Advanced MaterialsResearch. Trans. Tech. Publications,2011, 279: 271-274. (EI)


1. Ying Zhu, Hui Zhang, Zhisheng Zhang, Zhijie Xia. Defect Straw Inspection Method Based on Machine Vision. 3rd IEEE International Conference on Information Communication and Signal Processing (ICICSP). Shanghai, China, September 12-15, 2020. (IEEE, EI)

2. Shupei Li, Hui Zhang, Zhisheng Zhang and Zhijie Xia. A New Method for Polygon Detection Based on Hough Transform Space and USAN Region. 5th International Conference on Image, Vision and Computing (ICIVC). Beijing, China, July 10-12, 2020. (IEEE, EI)

    3. FujinLin, Hui Zhang,YifanZhou, ZhishengZhang* and Lei Zhang. Tool Reliability Modeling Based on Gamma Process inMultiple Working Conditions, 2021 Global Reliability and Prognostics and Health Management. October 15 - 17, 2021, pp:1-6. (IEEE, EI)

  4. Wang Qiang, Zhang Hui,Zhang Zhisheng*,Xia Zhijie. A New Method for Polygon DetectionBased on Clustering. 2021 6th International Conference on Image, Vision andComputing, July 25, 2021, pp:31-35.(IEEE, EI)

   5. Hui Zhang, Zhisheng Zhang. Modeling of lens based on dielectric elastomers coupling with hydrogel electrodes. 26th International Conference on Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice(M2VIP). Under review, Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia, December 3 – 5, 2019. (IEEE, EI)


[1] Zhang H ,Zhang Z*. Modeling of Lens Based on Dielectric Elastomers Coupling with Hydrogel Electrodes[M], Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice 4. 2020:263-268. Springer. Chapter 638.

[2] J. X. Zhu, H. Wen, H. Zhang, Z. Zhang. Additive Manufacturing of Fiberglass-reinforced Polymer Composites. Nanotechnology‐BasedAdditive Manufacturing: Product Design, Properties and Applications. Deshmukh, Pasha, Sadasivuni(Eds.), 2022. Wiley Publishing, Chapter 11. 

[3]主编张志胜,副主编周芝庭 温海营,编者 张慧等人.高等学校创新教育教材,”十三五江苏省高等学校重点教材[2018-1-118]《创新思维的培养与实践3,必威betway中文官网出版社,南京,2020.10.


1. 基于介电弹性体驱动器的可变焦镜头结构优化设计及其变形运动机理研究,26万,江苏省青年基金2019,已结题,主持

2. 基于介电弹性体驱动器的可变焦镜头成像机理研究,4.4万,省部级,2018;结题,主持

3. 国家重点研发计划超薄界面异质异构晶圆键合关键技术与装备/课题三(高温度均匀性晶圆键合台研制),国家级,2022,第一参与;


5. 红外光源-离子放电耦合增强效应的高灵敏可挥发气体检测研究20万,省部级重点实验室课题项目2022,结题,第一参与;

6. 激光诱导石墨烯高灵敏氢气传感增强效应及其微纳结构调控,3万,2022省部级重点实验室课题项目,在研,第一参与;

7. 面向数字孪生的数控机床复杂系统数据融合与性能预测研究,4万,2022,省部级重点实验室课题项目,在研,第一参与;

8. 数控机床关键零部件故障诊断与寿命预测技术,300万,2022横向企业技术开发项目,在研,第一参与;

9. 超低温阀门封面粗糙度提高解决方案1002022横向企业技术开发项目,在研,第一参与

10. 蜂胶生产质量持续改进及配套装备研发2002018.06,横向企业技术开发项目,结题,第一参与.


1. 张慧*, 张志胜, 夏志杰, 戴敏. 一种电驱动片型可变焦镜头及其设计方法和制作方法[P]. ZL202010967813.3, 2022.3.23.5092598.(授权发明专利)

2. 张慧*, 张志胜, 夏志杰. 一种可变焦液体透镜及其设计方法和制作方法[P]. ZL202010966476.6,


3.张志胜, 张慧. 一种使介电高弹性球体产生可控浮力的方法[P].ZL201810002103.X, 2021.10.08,证书号第4725027.(授权发明专利)

4.张志胜, 张慧. 一种使圆形结构介电弹性体膜上产生相变转换的方法[P]. ZL201711482781.2, 2020.11.27. 证书号第4117469.(授权发明专利)

5. 温海营; 鲍琳; 张志胜; 戴敏;张慧.一种5UPS-2RP(U)冗余驱动并联机器人[P].ZL202011532366.5, 2022.06.14. (授权发明专利)

6. 张慧,温海营,岑家欢,朱建雄,周字涛,张志胜,夏志杰.一种仿生软体镜头眼控运动变焦成像系统及方法[P]. 申请日:2022.11.04, 申请号或专利号:202211374711.6

Personal Introduction



Educational Background


[1]Hui Zhang*, Jianxiong Zhu,HaiyingWen, Zhijie Xia,ZhishengZhang*. Biomimetic human eyes inadaptivelenses with conductive gels[J]. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior ofBiomedical Materials, 2023, 139:105689. (SCI)

[2] Zhang, H; Xia, ZJ; Zhang, ZS*; Zhu, JX*. Miniatureand tunable high voltage-driven soft electroactive biconvexlenses for optical visual identification. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2022, 32(6):064004. (SCI)

[3] Hui Zhang*, ZhihengLi, YukunXie,ZhijieXia, ZhishengZhang. Focus-tunable imaging analyses of the liquid lens based on dielectric elastomer actuator [J]. Bulletin ofMaterials Science, 2021, 44(2):148. (SCI)

[4]Hui Zhang*, Min Dai, ZhijieXia, ZhishengZhang. Computational analyses for tunable solid lenses coupling polyacrylamide hydrogel electrodes[J]. Bulletin of MaterialsScience, 2021, 44(2):78. (SCI)

[5]Zhang H,Zhou Y F, Dai M, Zhang Z S*. Anovel flying robot systemdrivenby dielectric elastomer balloon actuators[J]. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems&Structures, 2018, 29(11): 2522-2527. (SCI)

[6] Zhang H, Dai M,Zhang Z S. The analysis of transparent dielectric elastomer actuators for lens[J].Optik, 2019, 178:841-845. (SCI)

[7] Hui Zhang, MinDai, Zhisheng Zhang. Application of viscoelasticity to nonlinear analyses ofcircular and spherical dielectric elastomers[J]. AIP Advances, 2019, 9(4): 045010-1--045010-5. (SCI)

[8] Zhang H, WangY, Godaba H, et al. Harnessing Dielectric Breakdown of Dielectric Elastomer toAchieve Large Actuation[J]. Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2017, 84(12): 121011. (SCI)

[9] YimingGuo, Hui Zhang, Chang Dong, Zhisheng Zhang*, Yifan Zhou, Han Sun. AnImproved Deep Convolution Neural Network for Predicting the Remaining UsefulLife of Rolling Bearings[J]. Journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems,2020, 40(11):1-9. (SCI)

[10] JianxiongZhu*, Haiying Wen,Yingjie Fan, XiuliYang*, Hui Zhang*, WenyuWu, YijunZhou, Haibing Hu. Recent Advances in Gas andEnvironmental Sensing: From Micro/nano to the Eraof  Self-powered and Artificial Intelligent (AI) –enabled device. Microchemical Journal, 2022, 181: 107833. (SCI)

[11] Yu, Jiachuan#; Yang, Yuan#; Zhang, Hui; Sun, Han; Zhang, Zhisheng*; Xia, Zhijie; ZhuJianxiong*; Dai, Min; WenHaiyingSpectrum Analysis Enabled Periodic Feature Reconstruction Based Automatic Defect Detection System for Electrolumine scence Images of Photovoltaic Modules. Micromachines; 2022,13(2):332. (SCI)


[1] 温海营,戴敏,张慧,张志胜*,于继勇.含被动高副的冗余驱动并联机器人化设计[J]. 机器人,2021,43(6):694-705. (EI)

[2] Zhang H, DaiMin, Zhang Zhisheng, Xia Zhijie. Analytical models for circular and sphericaldielectric elastomers. Journal ofSoutheast University, 2019, 35(2). (EI)

[3]  Zhang H, WangY, Zhu J, et al. Balloon actuators based on the dielectric elastomer, IndustrialTechnology. IEEE International Conferenceon Industrial Technology, 2017, 654-658. (EI)

[4]  Zhang Hui, ZhangZhisheng. Phase Transitions of Dielectric Elastomers in a Circular Frame. Journal of Southeast University, 2017,33(4). (EI)

[5]  Zhang H, Ni ZF, Li Q Z. A Fine Atomization CMP Slurry for Copper, Advanced MaterialsResearch. Trans. Tech. Publications,2011, 279: 271-274. (EI)


1. Ying Zhu, Hui Zhang, Zhisheng Zhang, Zhijie Xia. Defect Straw Inspection Method Based on Machine Vision. 3rd IEEE International Conference on Information Communication and Signal Processing (ICICSP). Shanghai, China, September 12-15, 2020. (IEEE, EI)

2. Shupei Li, Hui Zhang, Zhisheng Zhang and Zhijie Xia. A New Method for Polygon Detection Based on Hough Transform Space and USAN Region. 5th International Conference on Image, Vision and Computing (ICIVC). Beijing, China, July 10-12, 2020. (IEEE, EI)

    3. FujinLin, Hui Zhang,YifanZhou, ZhishengZhang* and Lei Zhang. Tool Reliability Modeling Based on Gamma Process inMultiple Working Conditions, 2021 Global Reliability and Prognostics and Health Management. October 15 - 17, 2021, pp:1-6. (IEEE, EI)

  4. Wang Qiang, Zhang Hui,Zhang Zhisheng*,Xia Zhijie. A New Method for Polygon DetectionBased on Clustering. 2021 6th International Conference on Image, Vision andComputing, July 25, 2021, pp:31-35.(IEEE, EI)

   5. Hui Zhang, Zhisheng Zhang. Modeling of lens based on dielectric elastomers coupling with hydrogel electrodes. 26th International Conference on Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice(M2VIP). Under review, Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia, December 3 – 5, 2019. (IEEE, EI)


[1] Zhang H ,Zhang Z*. Modeling of Lens Based on Dielectric Elastomers Coupling with Hydrogel Electrodes[M], Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice 4. 2020:263-268. Springer. Chapter 638.

[2] J. X. Zhu, H. Wen, H. Zhang, Z. Zhang. Additive Manufacturing of Fiberglass-reinforced Polymer Composites. Nanotechnology‐BasedAdditive Manufacturing: Product Design, Properties and Applications. Deshmukh, Pasha, Sadasivuni(Eds.), 2022. Wiley Publishing, Chapter 11. 

[3]主编张志胜,副主编周芝庭 温海营,编者 张慧等人.高等学校创新教育教材,”十三五江苏省高等学校重点教材[2018-1-118]《创新思维的培养与实践3,必威betway中文官网出版社,南京,2020.10.

Professional Experience
(1) Guest Editor for [Materials] Special Issue.

(2) IEEE International Conference Session Chair. 


1. 基于介电弹性体驱动器的可变焦镜头结构优化设计及其变形运动机理研究,26万,江苏省青年基金2019,已结题,主持

2. 基于介电弹性体驱动器的可变焦镜头成像机理研究,4.4万,省部级,2018;结题,主持

3. 国家重点研发计划超薄界面异质异构晶圆键合关键技术与装备/课题三(高温度均匀性晶圆键合台研制),国家级,2022,第一参与;


5. 红外光源-离子放电耦合增强效应的高灵敏可挥发气体检测研究20万,省部级重点实验室课题项目2022,结题,第一参与;

6. 激光诱导石墨烯高灵敏氢气传感增强效应及其微纳结构调控,3万,2022省部级重点实验室课题项目,在研,第一参与;

7. 面向数字孪生的数控机床复杂系统数据融合与性能预测研究,4万,2022,省部级重点实验室课题项目,在研,第一参与;

8. 数控机床关键零部件故障诊断与寿命预测技术,300万,2022横向企业技术开发项目,在研,第一参与;

9. 超低温阀门封面粗糙度提高解决方案1002022横向企业技术开发项目,在研,第一参与

10. 蜂胶生产质量持续改进及配套装备研发2002018.06,横向企业技术开发项目,结题,第一参与.

Research Interests

1. 张慧*, 张志胜, 夏志杰, 戴敏. 一种电驱动片型可变焦镜头及其设计方法和制作方法[P]. ZL202010967813.3, 2022.3.23.5092598.(授权发明专利)

2. 张慧*, 张志胜, 夏志杰. 一种可变焦液体透镜及其设计方法和制作方法[P]. ZL202010966476.6,


3.张志胜, 张慧. 一种使介电高弹性球体产生可控浮力的方法[P].ZL201810002103.X, 2021.10.08,证书号第4725027.(授权发明专利)

4.张志胜, 张慧. 一种使圆形结构介电弹性体膜上产生相变转换的方法[P]. ZL201711482781.2, 2020.11.27. 证书号第4117469.(授权发明专利)

5. 温海营; 鲍琳; 张志胜; 戴敏;张慧.一种5UPS-2RP(U)冗余驱动并联机器人[P].ZL202011532366.5, 2022.06.14. (授权发明专利)

6. 张慧,温海营,岑家欢,朱建雄,周字涛,张志胜,夏志杰.一种仿生软体镜头眼控运动变焦成像系统及方法[P]. 申请日:2022.11.04, 申请号或专利号:202211374711.6

Refereed Journals
Other Professional Activities
Selected Publications
Research Projects
Patents and Applications